Did a front flip on a mountain bike, tucked, then came down on my side. Ripped into some fatty tissue. Still have the 3" scar.
I was also in the middle of the woods cutting with a hand saw and sliced right into my thumb. It was deep with multiple cuts from a serrated blade, but I squeezed things back together and held it that way with twine and leaves :tup: Still have that scar too, lol.
I was fresh out of college and just moved back home for a job in the Northeast. I was still driving my shitty civic at the time. (loved that car)
Long story short, coming home from hockey on wednesday night around midnight on a windy back road, I let a tailgater get the best of me and ended up putting my car into a ditch at around 60 mph. To this day I can’t say for sure if the tailgater made contact with me around that corner, but I still blame myself. The tailgater never stopped.
Literally walked away from the wreck with a broke ankle (both bones), a thumb cut down and through most of the tendon,and glass all over my body, some of which is still buried under my skin today. I will never forget this day.
It’s humorous but it’s really a humerus, unless you broke your funny bone.
I’ll agree, that was a stupid thing to do. Maybe you should try a hollow core next time.
Couple years ago I was snowmobiling with my buddy and his ultra hot sister (I’ll save that for another time while I savor the memory of riding behind her down a bumpy trail)… but I digress. Knew of this berm on the trail which could give me a little air and a chance to impress her. All I remember was hitting the berm, booting the gas, and the next thing I know I landed on my ass / hip on solid ice on the other side I think I flipped forward at least once, but can’t be sure. I regained some sense when I found her standing over me with her lips asking if I was OK (because I hit so hard I couldn’t hear her from the ringing in my head) and trying to be able to start breathing again.
Luckily we were only about two miles from the trailer on our way home and I don’t know how I was able to make it back. My buddy loaded and tied down my sled and drove me home. I couldn’t walk for two days and probably should’ve gone to see a doctor because my ass cheek was numb for close to a month with a bruise worthy of the Guinness Book. Certain I bruised a bone. On a brighter note, the sled landed perfectly and was found idling happily about 30 feet into the field. I approach jumps now with a little more caution.
Most of you guys are too young to know what your worst injury was yet. Just wait, you will start feeling those injuries again. I abused my body for about 35 years and now all of a sudden the pain is coming back. Just wait.
Circular saw blade ripping the shit out of my foot.
16 years old, clearing land where my parents were building a cabin. The tool was essentially a weed wacker on steroids, with a circular saw at the base to cut down small trees just a few inches from the ground. I got too low, allowing the blade to grab some ground and kick back on me where it took a dive into my foot right below the ankle. Tore up all the muscle, chipped the ankle bone, and came a hair away from tendons / ligaments that if hit would have most likely been severed to a point of all but killing any chance of recovery.
In a cast for a few months, then about 6 months of hobbling around in a boot, then a few years of recovery. Best part was just when things were feeling healed I’d hit the basketball court and jump a little too aggressively and tear some muscle. Worst pain I’ve ever felt. Age 18 I had fully healed. To this day I have no feeling around my ankle, and a hell of a scar 100 times cooler than any tattoo.
Playing a game called “butts up” and while running up to touch the wall I was looking back to watch for someone throwing the ball at me and ran full speed into a block wall…pretty severe concussion with about 8 hours of my life missing and a night in the hospital…
While living with a fellow forum member downtown, my drunk ass put a cutco knife through my index finger attempting to cut plastic. Through flesh, bone and finger nail.
When I was about 13 I launched myself off a bike ramp, only to drive the front tire into the ground and subsequently my face/teeth had a really bad time. However, my teeth have collectively been knocked out about 15 times, so I don’t consider this the worst “single” accident. My finger definitely hurt a lot more.