your worst work related injury.

post up about it. i know we all have had atleast one.

i had to get 5 stitches in my right hand, after they fixed the tendon and nerves in my pinky. and i still have no feeling in it.

A few stitches in my finger. I’m pretty good at not getting hurt.

paper cut…

oh an on a couple occasions, a push pin/thumb tack got the best of me…i think once there was even a little blood…

and working back in the day at delta during winter ones, my ears/fingers were cold…

6 staples in the top of my head. Staples going in is an awesome feeling.


paper cut…

oh an on a couple occasions, a push pin/thumb tack got the best of me…i think once there was even a little blood…

and working back in the day at delta during winter ones, my ears/fingers were cold…


yeah u might want to clean out your pussy then.


6 staples in the top of my head. Staples going in is an awesome feeling.


does it really feel cool? or is that sarcasm?

lower back pain from my last chair which sucked.

I cut myself decently bad like… 2x at work in over 2 years. They both were like 1-2" long and stupidly deep into a finger. Although i couldn’t really use that hand for like 2-3 days without the thing gushing again. Im sure i was supposed to get stitches, fuck that.

Deep fryers are hot, dont ever try to catch things when they fall into them…

2nd degree burns up my arms/face
Various cuts (no stitches I hate doctors)

Severed tendon in right ring finger. 2 sets of stitches both inside to hold the pieces together (permanent) the other two close it up. Also had a pin put in to the second knuckle for 6 months. The pin was sick, i looked like wolverine (sp) with a 2 foot pin sticking out of my finger until they cut it to size.

Result: Permanent hook finger due to 15% loss in flexibility.

Cut off the tip of my right index finger just infront of the nail twice. Superglued it back on and kept working.


does it really feel cool? or is that sarcasm?


Sarcasm all the way.

First your head hurts because of the gash but then you feel the two ends of each staple going into your flesh. I would take stitches over staples anyday. Although staples get you out the door faster.

heart attack


I soda blasted my bare thumb when the pot pressure was around 110 psi once… i’ll post pics when I get home.

beast slipped at work once and put his entire hand up to his wrist into a deep frier. that was fucking gross.

thats sick. how bad was the damage?

i have had numerous lol. Worst was a slip and fall in a slushy hallway…herniated a disc in my back…its been 5 years and it still haunts me…probably always will.

Another was 6 stitches across my thumb…box cutter slipped…have no feeling in part of my thumb till this day.

and the funniest, would be 8 stitches in this pattern ^v^v^v^v across the top of my knuckles… from a fucking tape gun…it involved the making of a shrink wrap football and lots of tape LOL.

I’ve had none that I can think of, but I watched a guy cut off all the fingers on his left hand at Candlelight Cabinetry a few years ago. It wasn’t pretty.

dislocated knee. working in my shop. , just caught my big clownfeet on somethign as i turned and it popped.

luckily i had had several before, so i knew hwo to put it back, ice it for 24, wrap it and be walking the next day.


yeah u might want to clean out your pussy then.


and once it’s clean, i’ll play with it…non stop…and continue to watch you get hurt at work :whip: