i think god wants me to kill myself.....

ok, seriously now, everytime i work on a car, i basically stab the crap outta myself in the hands, like its uncontrollable and happens EVERY TIME. and its never just an ouch kinda thing, always “HOLY SHIT THATS A BIG CHUNK OMG IM REALLY BLEEDING BAD”. ask hotrodkid or slomies, its the truth. ok, so yesterday im making a gauge pod for somebody, and i got some fiberglass in a screw hole, so i was using the back side of the file to scrape it out, and low and behold :slip: goes the file and guess what, i tore the shit outta my left middle finger. i took a huge flap out the width of my finger, right on the crease for the top knuckle, man i hope this shit heals, i took a pic while changing the bandages so you can see what im talking about, and i have it braced so hopefully this shit heals, i gotta be ready for golf season.


Yea, that’s what comes with working on cars though. Hell just changing the plugs on the Firebird I GUARENTEE that my forearms are torn to hell no matter what.

I watched my brother pop his thumb open like a grape a couple days ago with a body hammer; that was nasty.

hmmm… worst I’ve ever done is with exhaust tubing; freshly cut while fabbing up my true-duals; sliced my hand BAD, to the point where I was ready to go get stitches, and probably should’ve… Butterfly bandages and some gaues and I went back to work.

I can never work on a car without smashing, ripping, cutting, stabbing, bumping or tearing something. I wear rubber gloves when I work on my car and the one day I had a shitty rachet that gave out and crushed my finger between a strut and the handle of the ratchet and the finger of my glove filled with blood. It was kinda cool after I stopped swearing.

lol I think I’m honestly one of the lucky ones when it comes to that stuff.

never had anything too bad happen to me while working my car. The computer on the other hand… (yes, I’m serious)

yeah, worst ive done is holding something with my left thumb, and the trying to run a screw into whatever it was, the screwgun jumped off the screw and onto my thumb while it was running, tore the nail right the hell off and i was bleeding all over the damn place, only time i actually went to the MAC center for attension lol

ouch that sucks, lol you have some bad luck then

i bought a pair of craftsman work gloves… best $15 i’ve ever spent… but i’ve used them for 2 months and its already time for another pair.

lol, I was pulling a PCI video card out of it’s slot in my old 486 by it’s VGA plug… yeah, 2 DEEP ass cuts on hte side of my finger (from the sheet metal case) a few hours in the ER and I was good to go :smiley:

If uwear gloves in a shop u will never live it down. i wore gloves once because i had court right after work and to this day when i walk into easternhills i still hear shit

If youre ever running late on a huge studio project, and have the balls to remove a piece of a finger, you get an instant 1 week extention


Who cares?? Why would anyone want to talk around with grease under their nails and in the cracks of their hands?

fucking sweet, ill remember that lol. i wonder if that works for final crit?hahahah

God doesn’t want you to kill yourelf. He just doesn’t want you to boost a fuckass. :rofl:

Happens to the best of us. Wear your battle wounds proudly.

maybe thats it, god is giving you signs that what your doing is unholy ? lol

hell yea! when i smahd my pointer finger with the 20 pound sledge i was walking around going “look at THIS!!!”

which is retarded

the hell, i love my mechanix gloves. fixing cars is about uh, fixing cars. not ‘who can be the most badass by destroying their fucking hands’

well the problem probably is that you got too excited about that bedazzler you got for christmas, and now your work gloves are covered in lil fake gemstones


lol, a lot of us fuck ourselves up working on cars. During race season, my hand usually have 3-4 cuts on them at all times. The funniest time I got hurt was when I was taking off an exhaust (didn’t realized the rubber hanger was off the hook). I was laying on my back looking straight up at the exhaust and when I got the bolt off the exhuast just fell and cracked me right in the bridge of my nose, making me bleed a bit. Some other funny times working on my bros FD. He got his sweatshirt caught in the drill he was using to tap some threads. And one time I almost died laughing when I was handing him a socket wrench, it slipped from my hands from the top of the engine bay, made it’s way through, and smashed him right in the cheekbone. bah I’m rambling, point is, it happens, it sucks. :slight_smile:

try working at whiting door in akron…i was burnt, scraped, cut, shot with a nail gun, shot with an air powerd industrial staple gun, smashed my finger with a hammer so hard blood blasted out in an 180 degree radiace…ahh good times.

mechanic gloves FTW