I'm a crappy mechanic...

It seems there is a real art to getting stuff done on your car and actually staying clean at the same time. This is something I can not do.

For example, this afternoon I installed some Z32 brakes I bought from Andrew…

The brakes were clean.
My car is clean.
The road was freshly laid concrete.

But when it was all said and done I had crap everywhere. I had grease up to my elbows, all over my legs, all over my face and in my hair…man I suck.

Any other driveway mechanics have this problem?

My mom power washes me before i come in the house

Get hand cleaner. It only costs like a dollar and it does a good job. I wouldn’t use it on my face though…

I have it… but my goal is not to need it

latex gloves if you wanna be all fancy, to me though, it dosen’t look like you’ve done any thing unless your nails are all cruddy, and you have grease soaked into your flesh

I dunno… I think you should expect to get dirty when working on the car. Considering how many moving parts a car has, it’s full of lubricant and some of it is bound to get on you. I’d figure most people would have accepted it by now. I have a set of dirty clothes that I wear specifically for working on the car. I don’t see how you’re a bad mechanic if you get dirty, most of them usually are.

i hate it too dude the best thing to do is wear a mechanic suit and mechanix gloves and wear a touqe but fuck it gets hot

If you’re not filthy, it’s not done right. :slight_smile: I just did body work and primer today and I was filthy up to my elbows, thats how I know it was done right. (that and I used to apprentice in a pro body shop)

go to crappy tire, and buy liquid glove and put it on your hands elbows and face i guess before you work, then it will come off with just water instead of scrubbing it out

I don’t use gloves, I don’t get dirty…

How, I wash my car and giver’

mines kinda gone the same way, i get lazy and use zipties for everything i can, i also break shit and leave it and dont really care about it.

ive got tons of cans full of random nuts and bolts and parts

im suprised my car still works


have you finished repairing the rust in the engine bay?
If so post up some pics :smiley:

I jsut wear overalls, and use that Gojo shit to clean my hands up. :dunno:

The only mess I create is all the tools and shit lying all around.

Kinda sucks working in a small garage :frowning:

I use these things, i dont remember there name but they come in a case like the armoral, They work great, there wipes, takes no time at all. Nice things. They sell them at Ct and they are like 5 bucks a contaner