Broken Collar Bone

I went and rode open practice today with my buddy and I broke my collar bone in 2 spots! FML!!!


but srsly
ouch… wow… that sucks. GL!

car might take a little longer now! damnit!!!

Oh man!!! I cant believe they didnt take care of that right away…

Oof. Owwwww. I’ve broken a lot of stuff but the collar was the worst and it was only a fracture. Good luck. Drink a lot. Injury sex. Etc.

Its hard to imaging how that happens, seems to be a tougher spot to break

Broke mine ~12 months ago snowboarding, and for some reason as I’m typing this, it’s acting up at the moment.

Good luck, it’s not fun, never heals right and you will never be a jet fighter pilot now :tongue

I still have the fracture visibly sticking out as a “bump”. =(

haha. I like the way you think!! only thing I broke b4 was my wrist. This is prob worse though bc I cant move it at all. I’m going to Australia though on the 16th. hopefully the Aussi chics will help me out!!!

Thanks bud! As soon as it happened I thought of you! lol I remembered you breaking yours last year…

They will. The reason it sucks is that every move you make with your upper body will hurt like hell for the first 2 weeks. Sitting, laying down, etc. So you get comfy and let Aussie chick do her thing…without hurting your delicate self. Then have her make you a sammich and let herself out.

we were planning on going skydiving too :frowning:

Prolly a good thing you didnt skydive with your track record :lol. But seriously if ya need anything while laid up, lemme know man. Ill be joinin ya soon enough though. Another surgery sometime late May…fml

ur gonna get a junk punch for that “break a leg” comment you left me this morning! lol

Hey, it wasnt a leg, if it was…id feel pretty damn bad!! lol

Rip sullivan…

How accurate are ya with the left hook “junk punch”?? :lol

:rofl, i just put that on my facebook too!!

thanks buddy, lol.
My parents were like. “matt is such a nice kid. I hope he doesnt feel bad”

I felt bad but now i can race your bike to after some tlc so its all goood jk

ps im me ass face sexonwheels301

Did guyblow run you off the track? lol