No manual cars or bikes for me for 6 to 8 weeks.

Well as I’m typing this with just my right hand, I’m a new proud owner of 3 collar bones… not all the same size :ohnoes

Broke my first bone last night on a snowboarding day at white face mountain. Murphy is a bastard because due to his never failing laws it happened at one of the flattest parts and to add insult to injury, right under the ski lift for everybody to observe the karnage.

I would type out the whole story but 5wpm typing wouldn’t get me far.

Had to trade cars with my friend so I can have the auto and it looks like neither of the bikes is coming out soon :sad

And don’t you dare posting “hope you get well” or “feel better” b.s. because throughout the human civilization history that has never worked for anybody besides Greek gods and Jesus, however actions speak louder than words so if anybody has a female friend who goes for"the sick puppy" syndrome, send her this way ;D

Now i’m looking forward to a day i can do something like this again > :banana

So, are you renting out your bike(s) for the first part of the riding season ;D

sucks to hear…so are you out of work?

that sucks, and im sure someone will find some fatties :lol :banana

hope you get well… feel better soon

but seriously… sucks man


pics or ban fucker.

hopefully this wasn’t your stroke off hand.

I can find some hoes for you Vlad. No doubt.

Hey vlad sorry to hear that…i got a nice home for the 636 ;D but in all seriousness i know the spot just for you man Albany and bankus in schenectady they’ll be all over that sick puppy stuff :lol get well soon bro

oh man, that sucks! get better fast :slight_smile:

that sucks! get better soon. me and vot will try and bring back a lady friend when we come back from vegas lol

they charge by the for your sake, lets now hope theres a long layover between flights!!

Shitty luck, if you need a hand with anything let me know.

As soon as you feel ok you should try to get to the mall and walk around, after I totaled a car with my right foot I had, what I called, a bionic foot on my right leg and with the aid of a crutches and the bionic foot the mall was the place I received the most female sympathy in my life, it was fantastic. To bad the idea of any sort of physical activity probably would have made my foot fall off completely, but it may have been worth it.

ha! you said you could beat me from 60-160 on your 636 with a broken collar bone… so put up or shut up biatch!

Collar bones suck!

Just hope no one pats you on the back or arm.

I had a damn sling on and people were so dumb!

Hey Vlad, a video of your accident aired on a foreign news channel, your famous!
[youtube=425,350] T6ikZ11D4Y4[/youtube]

That had to tickle ^^^^

Like I said, sorry Vlad. :frowning:

OUCH. I’m sure the pain of not driving stick is just as bad.

youll be back in nooo timee

Yep, especially the bikes :frowning:

Timmay, I thought nobody had a camera around! :wow good find :lol

I had a kid next to me in class come in late, sit down next to me and after sitting for a few minutes with deer in the headlights look, turns to me and nudges me in the shoulder and goes

  • “hey did you know if we had a quiz today”
    The pain was great, and I would beat the hell out of him, but no painkillers in the world would compensate for the pain of me even trying to hit him.
    So I turn to him, and I told him that he just missed the midterm, so I got the joy of seeing him freaking out for the rest of the class and run down to see the teacher at the end. :crackup