Rider Down 6/17/08-One of our own. Updated 07/07/08

Talked to vlad today, apparently he dumped the 636 last night at a good clip, he’s ok, just pretty banged up/rashed up he thinks he might have cracked the collar bone again, so keep his speedy recovery in your thoughts, hope to have you out on two again soon meng!

Damn! horrible luck he has :sad

G/L Vlad! Hope to see you out and riding soon!

Yikes…glad to hear it wasn’t worse.

Sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you man…

awhhh damn ! that blows man stop riding so motogp haha j/k

damn Vlad i hope you get better soon and its not too bad …

i think that bike is coursed

the first couple miles on it were cursed by me doing wheelies on it :slight_smile: followed by some general riding by jon. Then random beatings from me, brooks, premo, loud steve

Damn, hope for a speedy recovery.

Get well soon Vlad, but I’m gonna disagree with this above statement. Your luck on a bike seems pretty awful, so I say stay stick to 4 wheels.

Sorry to hear, Vlad. Glad your ok though! What exactly happened?

Why? because he’s dumped a bike what? 2, maybe 3 times?

Eff that get back on that shit!

rough, hope he’s ok soon


I wouldnt get another bike since you havent had the best of luck from what these guys are saying. If they have their facts mixed up and this was a stupid mistake then get right back on but regardless hope youl heal quickly and nothing like this happens again.

dam vlad…shitty luck last couple seasons huh…well get better dude…how bad is the bike and how did this happen??? :wow

the bike is in a lot of pieces right now, it took out 2 guard-rail support posts and got wedged under it.
at this point it’s salvage only, some parts here and there.

Damn deer


what deer?

the deer that ran out in front of him causing him to dump his bike, act of god, nothing he could do, insurance must cover the bike.

EDITED BY: Niskyspy

Oleg, I don’t think you should post stuff like that, till we are sure that Vlad wont get bunch of tickets or license suspension.