Broken Collar Bone

Did your shoulder separate at all? Or was it just the collar bone, also yeah after seeing 2 of my buddies with broken collar bones dont be surprised when that lump of bone now poking up on your shoulder never goes away. Anywho that sucks horribly and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Yeah. A common thing is a bump after it heals. Its large during recovery period and then it slowly dissapates.

Thanks Dr. Adam…

i did my sternum and c/b at the same time …they had me all jacked up on antibiotics and shit so i didnt get a cold or cough .the harness sucks the worst though

Dont hate the playa:lol

Google Dr is your friend


yeah that hurt bad :lol ,doctor said it was to tight

if you were on 4 wheels it never would have happened!!!

Chances are if you crash a quad, you die tho so I’d rather crash a bike lol
was this at diamondback? that sucks. How did you break it?


haha, never be on 4 wheels. Yea it was on a step up , landed short and bounced sideways… slammed really hard.


well not die

but when you crash a quad, 9 times out of 10 it follows you.

where as a bike, its more like a yard sale…shit goes flying, you go one way, the bike goes another.

out of all the 50 times I have crashed my quad, the quad has atleast hit me, ran over me, flipped ontop of me 40 out of those 50 times (not actual numbers, just throwing that out there) If you go to the dirtbike races and watch the quad, every single quad crash invloves a quad hitting the rider, or chasing them.

I crashed my quad 6th gear pinned 2 weeks after I got my cast off from my broken wrist…it was right after winter, and I was miles back in the woods by myself…flipped it end over end countless times, went face first into the dirt into a huge water puddle, quad slammed me in the back. I got up, not knowing what happened, left arm completly knumb…went and flipped my quad back over and my shoulder popped back into place…I dislocated my shoulder and popped it back in along with a huge gash in my back 8" long, ripped my jersey inhalf and broke my chest protector inhalf…couldnt move my arm for 2 weeks after, and on the side of that I had hypothermia by the time I got home…was shivering for hours from being soaking wet, riding miles back home in mid 20* weather. My mom freaked out and wrapped me up in blankets like a child lol I was blue.

the step up right before the big burm where the spectator benches are??


that sucks…was it slippery? (muddy)

that step up is dangerous, I almost bit the bars a few times on it.

Damn! Yeah the one time i flipped my shit it came down on me, luckily i saw it coming al leg pressed it about 10ft away from me LOL

i broke mine when i was 7 or 8, hit a sewer FLYING down the hill in front of my house on my bike and i flipped over the handlebars and landed right on my shoulder :rofl

i dont remember it too much, but i can imagine it wasn’t fun. good luck.

by the way, i assume this has to do with my collar bone, but i can now dislocate my shoulder whenever i want :lol

Yo didnt you get hurt last time you raced Sully ?

Hope you get better fast ! lmao i’ll probably see you around more then.

the faster your going the less likely you are able to actually save anything like that lol

I want to hit up trails soon but you bitches are never around on the weekends.

Well that and pretty soon ill be laid up for 6-8 weeks:banghead