Shoulder update...X-ray pics = cool

Well for those of you who did’nt know, I totaly blew out my left shoulder. I went in this morning to see an orthepedic dr and he said that there is a very good chance I will need surgury. He said it sounds like I tore the Laibrum (sp). It’s the cartalage between the humerous and the clavical. i gotta get an MRI done with a dye injection in the socket to see if it is infact torn, if so, I will need screws. If that doesnt work they will fillet me like a fish and do a total reconstruction. :tdown:. At least its gettin fixed though, its about damn time. He was moving my arm and just shaking his head…I asked him if I will need to have it in a sling due to the subluxation issues and he said " preventative measures at this point would be a waist of time and money, it is too far blow out to really worry about that, we need to worry about how to fix the problem".

now time for some sweet x ray pics.


call u drew brees haha

I can fix that with my variable speed grinder. No problem…

looks fine to me wussy.

are u paying for it or are u covered?

Walk it off… it’ll heal on it’s own.

i shatterd my clavicle and tore all the lig. and tendons. that shit hurts, i have been putting off the surgury because i have been getting my knee rebuilt like every 6 months, good luck with it, the dye injection mri is fun. your arm will feel weird for a few hours after but it doesnt hurt too bad. i get to go in for a bone graft on my R knee on may 26th and then again in november. maybe we can get a group rate

I hear ya…I have the shittiest trick shoulders ever. My left one has popped out 50+ times easily, it’s just fucking shot. It doesn’t even really hurt anymore when it happens.


lol…Group rates ftw…i am totally coverd under insurance though.

I know the xray pics were just plain xrays…but still cool to look at. its not every day somebody gets to see their insides when they are not splatterd all over the pavement or something lol.


alt+print screen

lol…if i get screws I would laugh soo hard if i have to go threw a metal detector and set it off…ill just be like “yo its just my mad sweet adamantium skeliton”.

damn i forgot there were other charger fans here…i wanted to make a brees joke :frowning:

that’ll buff right out.

alt+print screen probably wouldn’t work in the hospital