Worst injury you caused to yourself?


My friend once had a problem with his nut. I let him use my tool and he has yet to let it go.

I jerked off with Icy Hot once. That was pretty bad.

Can’t remember what age exactly, but I hit a parked car while riding my bike. For some brilliant reason right after turning onto my street I decided to admire my pedaling and proceeded to ride straight through a little Geo Tracker’s side view mirror. Drilled the mirror straight off the car and had some decent cuts across my forearm. Even worse was the owner happened to be a paper route customer of mine. Needless to say, they had free news for a while after that.

Outside of that, probably the worst injury I have had was dislocating my shoulder while playing hockey. Not sure if this really counts, but in attempting to make a sprawling rebound save, I literally threw my arm taking my shoulder right out of the socket. Cannot throw a baseball or football properly anymore, or have much luck with any type of overhand throwing motion.

You know the whole first paragraph happened a couple weeks ago. Just admit it.

      • Updated - - -

She’s still in the front of the line at the Spank Bank.

I have seen those before at auctions, I was wondering what they were…that’s rough!

I ran my thumb through a table sander when I was 18. I was foolishly wearing gloves to debur 6" piece of metal, glove got snagged and pulled between the disc and the table. I had to pull it out against the rotation. Took nail and “15% of bone” according to Workers Comp calculations. Somehow missed ligaments and such. It still hurts like a B when its cold.


Goddamn that musta stung!

Ok nyspeed doctors, I injured my ribs a week and a half ago and they still hurt pretty bad. My family has told me to go to a doctor but I am convinced they do nothing worthwhile for rib injuries. Don’t they just wrap you in an Ace bandage?

Sneezing, yawning, coughing, burping, and laughing really hurt when your ribs are fuxored but trying to sleep is the worst if you toss and turn.

Think I saw this on an upcoming Halloween horror movie preview.

After falling from 2000 feet, I deployed a parachute that was open for slightly over one second. I had serious tears in both ankles, fractured my tibia, broke a rib and chipped a few teeth (with my knees).

Did you just do this?!?!

Last December.

^ Should show Ian’s pics, woof.

I bit about a half inch of my tongue mostly off when I was a kid. ~90% severed, surgically reattached. That was probably the worst looking injury.

This is true.

The worst was probably playing football. 20 years later and they’re all coming back. My neck and back are fucked. This getting old shit sucks.

I don’t think they wrap them anymore because it causes the ribs to heal when they’re compressed. Last I heard you’re supposed to do deep breathing exercises so make sure the ribas heal in their correct position. Although take that with a grain of salt because I heard it from an X-Ray tech not a doctor.

^^Yeah I broke C2 & C3 in my neck, should be interesting as I get older. :frowning:

^Thanks. I will give it another week or so.

Newman probably wins for closest to dying since .5 seconds later he would have been a greasy spot on the ground.

Why the late chute?

It was almost pitch dark and my depth perception was off. Yeah it was a closie. No more super dark jumps where visual perception dictates pitch time. Nope.

I actually didn’t even know how close to the ground I was. Part of the reason I didn’t get more hurt is because I was completely relaxed. I didn’t know how close the ground was until my knees hit me in the face.

How long did you lay there before someone came to you? How many others were jumping with you when this happened?