Terminal velocity takes what, about 1900 feet? So yeah surviving a 2000 foot jump with that late a chute… I’d have bought a lottery ticket that night knowing I was one lucky mother fucker that day. :tup: to not having a RIP thread.
I was with several other people, so they came to me pretty quick. It was pretty scary, but scarier the more I thought about it. I’ve dialed it back a lot since then, but still jump a lot. I have just under 470 BASE jumps now.
That reminds me of Travis P almost splatting.
into the wall front first at 80 mph.
Best way to hit.
Yeah I bet that was pretty scary.
On a side note… 470 BASE jumps is crazy. I mean considering the height you need to jump and the locations around to accomplish that.
How’d this happen?
You’d be VERY surprised.
Driver error.
We all know what Geoff is going to post.
Serious or sarcasm? lol
At least you admit.
It’s not like there isn’t cell towers everywhere
Ribs can take pretty long to heal. I’ve been to the doc before for broken/bruised/cracked w.e you want to call it ribs and basically all you can do is rest. Like 2-3 months recovery or so for me. So painful sneezing and sleeping
I tripped over someone’s bike playing street hockey and shattered my chin on the pavement like 15 years ago.
So what you are saying is I need to hire someone to do all of the crap that needs to be done on my property before the snow flies? Uggggggggggh.
I go in tomorrow for an MRI on my foot/ankle. Looks to be a Lis Franc fracture and a torn ligament…also have bone fragments in my ankle that was found in my x-ray.
Figured I would bump an old thread rather than start a new one. Decided to hit the gym at my college reunion over the weekend and ruptured / tore my pectoral off the humerus from what I gather. Surgery on Monday.
Ouchy, good luck with the surgery