McCain's Lobbyist "Friend"

Anyone know her?

She went to IUP!

Hopefully she’ll sink his campaign and Ron Paul will come blazing out of the gate and take the election!!!


This story broke back in 2000.

Clearly this election will be between McCain and either Clinton or Obama. McCain is the candidate of reason. Hopefully enough Americans feel the same.

The time has come… let it go mikey… let it go…

Amnesty for illegals, 100 more years in Iraq. This is the candidate of reason?


if McCain gets elected im moving to Canada.

if people think shits bad now it will get worse if McCains in office.

I can live with McCain over Hillary/Obama.

Huckabee . . . don’t think so

Amnesty for illegals

A gross generalization.

100 more years in Iraq.

…better than cutting and running.

This is the candidate of reason?


That bitch looks like Mccain with a wig on.

How many lives is pride worth?

it would be much worse for the US to leave Iraq now. If we left now, some radical would take charge who hates the US more than Saddam and would probably have the backing of a lot more middle eastern countries. It may have been wrong for us to go in in the first place, but we have to stay and finish what we started.

Let them. We can keep troops home and work on securing our own borders. I can at least see that side of the argument, but putting a country’s pride in front of it’s citizens is criminal.

it’s not a generalization. The amnesty bill was McCain-Kennedy. HE CO-SPONSORED THE FUCKING BILL!!! And then they asked him in one of the debates, and he said that now that he’s running for president, he would veto the bill if it were passed. Let me say that again. He said that he would VETO the bill that HE HIMSELF INTRODUCED. :bowrofl:

As far as cutting and running. That shit is so played out it’s not even funny. We’ve been in Iraq longer than we were in WWII. Longer than the civil war. How much longer are we going to stay? What exactly do you define as victory. We’re not fighting a war anymore. We’re occupying a foreign country. If we’re waiting for violence to stop before we leave, we WILL be there forever. They’ve been killing each other for thousands of years. We’re not going to stop it.

And the worst part of it is that we CANNOT AFFORD this war anymore. We’re blowing almost a trillion dollars a year on our interventionist foreign policy.

I have much hotter attorneys than that…f fucking care-bear mccain

OMG!! the resemblance is uncanny!

The bitch went to IUP. That should say enough. Who would have someone in their clan that went to IUP. Now the place is fun to party at but people that come from there (if they graduate) are retards!!!

You’ve got two options in the upcoming election: McCain, or Hilabama (they’re basically the same, policy wise). You may not agree with McCain on every issue, but is your disagreement strong enough to warrant putting an ultra-liberal Democrat into office?

If it does come down to those 2 yes.

If it does come down to those 2 yes.

It already has.