, sign this petition bitches!

Sign this petition to show your support for John McCain running as the Vice Presidential canidate of John Kerry.

John McCain > *.mainstreampoliticans

I will not and say i did

I did…

who cares who it is? Kerry will not even be running. Watch Hilliary come out of nowhere and be the candidate.

ever heard of a primary election? :hs:

yup, but I wouldn’t put anything past someone with a last name of Clinton.

what about a moist cigar? :clit:


I highly doubt the DNC is dumping millions of dollars into Kerry’s advertising campaign if they didnt plan to have him run…

If Kerry was prez and McCain was vice, too many people would be tempted to shoot the president…

McCain > Kerry

I’d rather see Dean + McCain on a third party ticket.

Dean :kekegay:

Dean is awesome.

Kerry is a tool.

Kerry makes me long for the days of Al Gore.


random spanish: mi coche echa lumbre


i’ll take spontaneous excitement over rehearsed boring statements any day.

Dean was the only Dem who didn’t act like he was a politician doing what was expected.

spontaneous excitement eh? :ugh:

jeb bush for VP

collin powell for vp

Let me throw one out there(My personal write in):

Ross Perot with John McCain as running mate.

NAFTA repeal with an immigration lockdown to boot!

Ralph Nader >

is you crazy?

if nader was prez, cars would weigh 8500lb and have 33 airbags!!

i don’t know about '04, but the perfect ticket is Blanyer + Darkstar in 2020 (that’s when we’ll be old enough to run)