Attn: Darkturd & Other Hippie Liberal Douches

rent The Yes Men.

funniest thing i’ve seen in a long-ass time.

no republican no care

i love poli flics! they are always truthful and insighful! i also love bowel obstructions! :hahano: but i am diggin my new avatar… i thought it was pretty dead on.

yeah they are all about the money…nothing is more important then that to them…value of life use to mean something…now its just don’t fuck with the money…

& i forgot…don’t mess with close friends either.

still waiting for a democratic canidate that is better though… why the fuck did they run Kerry :tool: i mean, they could have put any reasonable senator up agst bush and won!!! but they chose him… ugh… :puke: politics b4 2008… i’m finished ruining everyones morning. :rolleyes:

IMO anyone would have been better…

like the bumper sticker says…“anyone else for president”

i’m just getting more & more Disgusted …

& lately this Rove thing is pissin me off.

like i said…thier priorities are messed up IMO…

for instance…with all the shit going on here in america & in the world they decide to bring in MLB & talk about substance abuse…maybe its just me but that needs to be on the back bunner compared to a shit load of other stuff going on

John McCain, Howard Dean, Wes Clark, Ralph Nader, or James Carville in 2008.

or Jon Stewart, if they could convince him to run…

tv stars have no right being in politics, it’s fucking stupid. I think Stewart is funny, but would never think about voting for him for any office.

McCain in 08 - no choice at all, he is by far the best canidate.

what qualifies a recovering alcoholic blow-fiend to be president any more than a TV show host?

it doesn’t

*>actors>bush as far as politics

I would rather have Arnold in office than bush, but actors really have no place in politics. IMO

i just think your should have to do something before being in office…

i got nothing against these guys, jesse the body, arnold, but come on…

jesse goes from wrestling & bad movies to governor

and eveyone knows arnolds history…

i just think there should be some kind of intermediate step :dunno:

there definitely should NOT be one. that’s the theory that makes this country great. supposedly, and American 35 or older can be president if he has the charisma and support. obviously with the two party system that has no prayer of happening, but the possibility exists.

if some 37 year old IT guy from Des Moines, Iowa has some Archimedaeic moment and decides to run for president, he should have that right. and hopefully some financial backing.

thats the good part & bad part about our system…

anyone can run for & a hold political office…
i repeat
ANYONE can run for & hold a politcal office

all i’m saying is i think you sohuld have to do something in between prefessional wrestling & governer :dunno:


You would have thought this country would have learned their lesson after reagan.

i’d vote for a washington “outsider” in a second if they made sense… bloomberg, forbes, perot… all outsiders, ie less apt to care about who’s toes they step on, which means you have a better chance of them actually doing what they say after they get in office. :dunno:

But those Washington “outsiders” that you named are more apt to run the country exactly like a business, since that is what they’ve all been successful at… Bush is doing that right now, he’s all about the profit and doesnt care at all about the people hes killing, and the reputation of the country he’s destroying, in doing so.

but they didn’t bankrupt their businesses… :rofl: running a good business means good PR too, ever heard of an accounting scandel from Forbes or Bloomberg? Any migrant worker complaints from them? i mean if there is, they’ve been minor bc neither company has really ever had bad press that i can think of. but that’s just an example. we all know how the world is run, it’s not what you know it’s who you know. anyone can become the head of a company, only a few earn it.

McCain yes. Stewart, yes. Dean, meh.

I will never get the image of Carville talking about masturbation and saying “its a topic of which i have quite a familiarity with”… :ugh:

CARVILLE: One of the things that they teach is, is that you can get pregnant through masturbation. I don’t know how to say this, but it’s something I have some familiarity with.


CARVILLE: And I have never gotten pregnant.


CARVILLE: I have never known anybody to get pregnant through masturbation.
:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

yep, thats the one. What a creepy little fuck.