Moving to Florida?

that and the fact you do not need a masters to teach only a bs

Jersey/Philly/NYC people are horrid. Don’t even bother asking what county they live in–they don’t even know what state they are calling from. Youch.

i think they might be at private schools? i remember my friend saying the one they work at is comparable to Nichols around here? /off topic

It depends on what part of florida you live in, also depends on your grade of education. My Mother as a first year teacher, having her masters. I believe was making right around 44k when she moved and that was top notch pay for her first year.

so the 66k stuff…meh doesn’t fly unless they we’re selling fake green cards on the side :slight_smile:

can’t say unless u try it.

go for it

two of my friends already left to go back down there, and i’m supposed to be driving down with another one of my friends on wed. If for some reason he backs out, I’m finding the cheapest plane ticket I can get and off I go.
Anyone have any flight vouchers they wana sell???
Just hard having everyone yell at me telling me how much they are going to miss me :frowning:

JUST DO IT! Sure they will miss you! They will get over it, and you will too! Live your life for you.

Im glad this thread came up, i will be moving down there within 2 years hopefully. We are planning more towards central florida.