My Suspension Restoration Project

Time for an update finally as I got back to business today. I ended up having some time to kill inbetween a job so decided to get the rear axles started and out of the way since I kept putting them off.

So here they are all stripped down and degreased.

I was able to get them a part without wrecking the plug caps and the boots are also in good condition without any signs of cracking so I will probably end up just replacing the spider gears + clips and they will be good as new but looking even better.

Will hopefully get to Blasting & Coating them tomorrow. Still have to decide which pieces to Coat in which colours thou.

ive had some transparent copper done over a chrome base , shit looked awsome, but he said something about only half baking the base pulling it out of the oven , spraying it with the transparent copper , half baking the copper , then clear coating it and baking it another half cycle , just thought id let ya know… he said the reason he does it that way is because if u bake it too many times it goes kinda hazy? is that correct ?

very nice and clean. i like i like!

looking good jeff. I may be coming to you sometime soon for some paint. Your work has inspired me to clean out my car.

wow that looks good man
curious, how much would all this cost approx.?

Well technically, that is how it is suppose to be done when dealing with anymore more then 1 coat. By only baking for half the time you only allow the Powder to reach its jell state vs curing. But you need to cure the last Coat or it wont be near as durable since its never been cured.

The hazy problem is due to the Clear Coat itself as it will slightly dull the base coat making it appear hazy etc. But throw in an extra Coat and it can get worse.

Well, only thing I’ve had to buy or actually pay for up until now are the bushings & some caliper seals so approx $250 ? I have no idea how much time I actually have into it as I just work on it here and there in my spare time but removing all the bushings + metal sleeves from the Subframe, Arms and Spindles is a PITA! and extremely time consuming.

Powder Coating wise… I charge $120 or a Subframe. Arms vary depending what’cha got or what kinda shape their in (undercoating is a BITCH to remove).

Another quick picture while I’m replying thou…

Will hopefully end up Coating them this weekend :smiley:

now this is how u do up a stock suspension for comfy daily driving :slight_smile:
nice work… looks pretty and u stopped the rusting parts…

Its not so much for comfy daily driving but overall improved handling. One reason I have never tracked my 240 yet is simply due to the fact that pretty much anything that could be worn out is. Bushings were all toast which you can bet increased play throughout the entire system and who knows how many other parts (Tie Rods, Ball Joints, Wheel Bearings) etc etc are also original from 1992. Then there is the fact that I want to keep the car for as long as possible so I decided I would restore whatever I could and bring it back to new or better so that it will last me years down the road but will also be fun to drive at the track vs sloppy and unreliable.

On a side not thou I’ve been extremely busy at work so I haven’t had much time to continue my project but I did have some time to start whipping up a Front Power Brace vs buying one. Now I just have to wait to fit the TC Brackets on the car so I can do the center brace section…

Also picked up a set of S14 Rear Calipers from S13GG to use in place of my S13 ones so I could I re-build and Coat them now vs waiting until I strip my car down and using the ones on the car.

Calipers have been disassembled already but I wont get around to Blasting them until sometime tomorrow and then I’ll probably Coat them sometime this week along with the rear axles so more pictures then.

Beautiful job man, looks alot better now.

Few more pictures of the Calipers all stripped down and Blasted. Wont get around to Coating them until tomorrow or thursday when I Coat a load of other crap.

Now most people think S13/S14 Calipers are the same (minus the Ebrake Bracket/Assembly) but there is a slight difference which comes down to the pistons. S13s are approx 32mm where as S14s are 38.5mm which will increase the rear bias slightly.

More to come within the next few days as I start Coating everything.

I gotta say u did a outstanding job restoring your complete suspension … A+++ on that one … quick question, how much would it cost for an average joe like me lol to have all the restored in the same process as you did? Because i have an 1990 240sx with 280,000 km every bone stock & I recall you mentioning earlier in this thread that you didnt want to track your 240sx because of major risk of any body/subframe/suspension damage because of so many years of wear & tear? From what I see of what you’ve done, Im really interested in investing to restore the suspension & body of my car … I plan to keep my 240sx for a while too (I just bought it 3-4 months ago from brother) & I love this car … Can you help me out with quotes or places to go for that type of restoration?

Your help is much appreciated!


^Go to him (Jedi_Car_Fan)…He owns his own powder coating business, plus he does bomb ass work.

Thats bad ass. I can’t wait till I have the space to redo mine.

Jedi_car_fan, its guys like you that make car shows happen man, every car enthusiast appreciates anothers hard work and time they’ve put into there car. doesn’t matter if its euro, domestic, or jdm, i think everyone can agree if you love cars your welcomed by everyone. very nice work on your suspension

Sick work, makes me wanna do it to, I wish I had a garage. lol Keep it up!!

wow man, your doing such a great job!

i’m thinking of redoing all my bushings and such. i am guessing the kit you get was one of the better ones? if so, i’ll probably order that kit.

Well for starters… Cost wise. Add up a Bushing Kit, Subframe Bushings, Front & Rear Lower Ball Joints, Front & Rear Wheel Bearings, Inner/Outer Tie Rods, Caliper Rebuild Kits & Axle Rebuild Kit. Then if your doing the rest of the Brake system theirs Pads, Rotors & Lines.

Then look at either stripping the car down so you have all the parts to work it or buy extras and just swap them all out down the road when your ready to do so.

Labor alone (if you paid someone) to do this all for you it would be insane. I have no idea how much it would be thou because I have no idea how much time I have into it since I’ve just picked on it here and there over the winter. But parts alone… I figure $1000 by the time I’m done and hopefully not any higher. I’m just extremely lucky that I’m able to do it all myself or I could never afford it.

Thanks man… I appreciate that. Thou I’m not into car shows and such I’m really only doing it for one reason and thats because no one else does (or at least with their 240) most are just rust buckets. Then theirs the bonus that doing it will restore everything making it as fresh as possible.

Its an Energy Suspension Kit… whether its one of the better ones Im not sure. I know theirs a few different makes/kits available but I’d imagine their all pretty much the same or close enough too it.

Shot of the Rear Calipers coated in Mercedes Black…

Now I just gotta order a rebuild kit from Nissan before I can put them back together but thats not really a priority now since I need Rear Wheel Bearings & Lower Ball Joints so I can assembly the Rear End. But before I even do that, I still have to get my car into the shop and strip it all down.

wow… everything looks really great. one question, where are you getting or where did you get the ball joints for the lca’s? and how much were they if you don’t mind me asking.


I havent bought them yet but when I do I’ll just buy them from the Napa up the street. Cost wise will vary depending on economy vs premium but you want 89 Sentra Front Ball Joints because they are the exact same as the 240sx Rears.