new from schenectady

My Audi’s could 4X4 their way out of a black hole.

:lol at all these chodes who just joined for this, good work

edit: 42 viewing whats new @ shift, oh my

Didn’t care about the idiot enough to know anything about his sexuality

So you’re not an internet tough guy? Lol wut

Keep posting in here , where you don’t know anyone and you’ll even have your own thread where you can get all the attention you need and more. I don’t care who you are or where you live, its the internet not my hoise you can stay here as long as you want ill be over here laughing at you calling everyone an internet tough guuyyyyyyyyyyyyy

cool story bro
that would be due to the fact that the quattro 4x4 system is one of the few 4x4 systems out there that are worth a damn

weather you care or not you now know anyways, deal with it faggot
also if i want attention ill play with my dog or start a “AK74u is best SMG” thread on a weapons forum

also also you care enough about me to imply i am friends with OP

cool story though bro

Weather, is weather.

Not a cool story, bro.

cool story bro its raining outside

I don’t even…

Funny thing is, for us being a small forum we sure get a fair share of idiots that find their Internet stardom by going viral in their idiocy.

And /b/ we meet again, at this rate see you soon, until next time.

You’re the faggot here because I hace my name and info in clear sight for anyone in the world to read, but you are too bitch to mention who you are and somehow think you leave a tough guy like impression here LOL

SRSLY Corey that isn’t gonna happen, sure ill come at ya brah lemme know when you shoot a real gun outside of a video game

Want to talk about internet toigh guys you must be a bigger bitch than cj ass kissing me before

Dave he is not local.

And you need new friends.

Cool story bros.

I carry a small chainsaw, rubber gloves and black plastic garbage bags in my trunk. Does that make me a threat? :lol

Unlike most (if not all) of these peoples…I have actually owned an Audi (which you guys seem to be fond of) and am working on another. So yeah…my opinion doesn’t mean shit.

Anyways…I hate little kids that think they’re hot shit in daddy or mommy’s car. I bought my first car with my own money, fucked it up, and then used my OWN money to buy another car.

cool story bro
im guessing the reason i cant even phonetically sound out half of your words is because you come from a 3rd world country
do they even have cars there?

>i posted where i was from
>you call me internet tough guy(cool story bro)
>then you come back and say im a bitch because you clearly state where you are from (a 3rd world country)
super cool story bitch niggro bro

edit i own a mossberg 500HD and have shot numerous guns including a military grade B42
but again super cool story bro keep bein buttranched

So from the last two pages i only got.

Cool Story Bro(s)

Cool story bro

  1. Kevin “Antoine” Dodson aka the bed intruder guy is clearly a homosexual. I wonder what your point is?
  2. This is a local forum, I can assure you my “tough guy” attitude would not change in person.

Trollololololololololololol :clap

New York isn’t far from me.

come at ME brah brah. do it…pussy


I’ve owned three Audi’s each of which I purchased myself.

cool story bro
is that your turd gen crapmaro in your sig with giant niggro rimmmz?
yeah how is that toothpick and dixie cup suspension working out for you?

He wasn’t even directing anything at you…