Novice Bike: Ninja 250R - input/comments

sweet! turbo what??? gsxr??


i agree also ,but ya cant hate em for his oppinion

I say we make a poll :lol

me to

So where is this garage you work at? And how much you want to do my gears?

What does any of it have to do with a first bike for a NOOB?

exit 10 in round lake ,ill let ya know on mon ill find out

sounds good

If everything pans out right…

well said…go with a 600…you’ll be sorry if you dont because you will be bored with this bike before the end of the summer…my girlfriend had a ninja 500 for her 1st year then a cbr600rr… now she wants a 1000…shes about 5-5’…but if you want to waste your money on this bike go ahead

Yup. I bought my Z400 quad. First few days was like…FUCK, this thing moves out! Now, feels slow as balls… Buy big, grow into it…

600 too slow for her? :rofl
I guess 600rr is a girls bike too if even a girl thinks it’s slow.

Let people ride what they want to ride.
/ thread.

i dont think that it has to be about being to slow…i think she just feels like she can handle the 1000…do i want her to get it, no but thats what she wants…i think a 600 would be plenty for a lot of people… it’s only as fast as you twist the throttle!!!

i like to go fast so…nothing smaller then a 1000 for me and i’m sure Tony feels the same way!!!

And that’s fine.
I know my bike is slow, but I can’t afford a bigger bike right now so I just have fun with what I have. Apparently that makes me a squid :rofl

Thanks for all the input guys.

I can understand the relatively lack of power of 250cc might be a bit tough on highways, yet I don’t want to find out the hard way if a 600 is over than what I can handle as a novice. I may ended up picking some in between to build up my confidence first, just to error on the safe side.

Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

You could also look at a ninja 500.

Two logics going on here, you guys are comparing apples to oranges.

C6, Bino, Icon all talk about “fast” quickest point between point A to point B.

In which case just have a fast convertible.

For those of us that like turns, like me and Oleg and the others like us, it’s easier/faster and more practical to learn on a smaller bike.

In turning your argument goes out the window, because even a 250 can be too “fast” for the turn if you go into a 30mph turn at 100, what starts mattering is the rider on it.

People who upgrade to 1000’s from 600’s are only concerned about the straight line acceleration, because it’s proven that it hinders your turning ability, which is why the 600cc race class is worlds more competitive then liter class.

'Cause you know bigger CC ALWAYS > smaller CC

That kid would whoop every member on here.

I have yet to have any of my friends on any of their 600’s be able to keep up with me on my “measily” 70hp pussy moped, besides the one guy who also started on a small bike and I’m sick of waiting for them after turns.

That is all.

It won’t hurt in any way shape or form to start small and then move up.

The only thing will be hurt is the ego of the riders who started big who think they can ride until you pass them on a smaller bike. (not in a straight line of course).

I’m not sure if you read any of the stickies uptop but some of the benefits include

  • Cheaper start up cost
  • Cheaper insurance
  • Much faster learning curve
  • Don’t care if you drop it.
  • Much better resale value.
  • Much safer bet to start small.
  • Less to worry about and to be concerned about, more concentration on learning and avoiding stupid drivers.
  • Cheaper tires
  • Much more relaxed riding position


  • You won’t “look as cool”
  • You will most likely want to upgrade within after a season
  • You will get your balls busted
  • You will ride with people that will go 150mph on the highway and leave you behind. Not the people you should ever ride again with.

my 1000 has a 4" stretched swingarm and a 240 kit, which obviously robs from the handleing a little bit and i promise you ill hit the twisties w/ any ninja 250 and i will come out 1st unless the guys name is nicky haden or something etc

600’s- thats a different story, they handle sick and are fast as hell