NYS Tax Dollars at Work Yet Again

I’ll bring the muskets!

Where do you think most people are going? NY is shrinking not growing, and this shit is part of the reason.

come on down to Raleigh. Lots of Northern’s relocated in this area. Its actually rare for me to meet a native. Well not that extreme, about half and half I would say. This economy is growing, the weather is beautiful, and you are not uselessly taxed high dollars.

sign me up Jay


If I don’t get a job by next year I’ll be down there.

Though efforts to put the force of law behind voluntary content regulation in video games have been ruled unconstitutional over and over again, state-level lawmakers continue to endeavor to pass such laws. The state of New York is the latest to

I love how New York lawmakers think they can do whatever the fuck they want… much like tax specific companies like AMAZON.

What part of UNCONSTITUTIONAL do you not understand you inbred degenerate fucks?


I am glad to see you guy spost this stuff.
The government wants to control you but they “package” it in a way that makes it look like they want to help you.

It is happening EVERYDAY in this country.

People in the USA will realized it when it is too late.
All of our freedoms will be gone before you know it.
Mark my words.
No really, mark my words.:stuck_out_tongue:


How are the accents? I love a woman with a southern drawl, but can’t stand dudes that sound like local yokels.


The government made us fat and lazy. We are powerless!