Off Roading?

Its not really doing anything to hurt the car… it just looks a little out of it’s element doing it, that’s all. :lol

exactly u cant win this one

You know what I love? Putting my hand down my pants and feeling my shaved public hairs. Man what a sensation

pussy shit right ? esp the last one thats almost 75lbs of boost i doubt you doin that

That thing is boosting almost as much as I weigh.

ya should see it now fuckin thing is crazy

He’s got like 4 pullin trucks with 1071 or somthing blowers on em.

Buddy ive been going to tractor pulls since i was 5 years old, and danny thomas aint ur uncle or cousin or w/e :retardclap:retardclap

exactlly ,a black chevy 1/2 ton strictly pullin use ,he is also great friends with rosic pulling also

ok buttercup do i really need to go threw the family tree to appease to you ?do you even know where cambridge is? how far away is it?what was my football jersey number there ? wnt my x gf,s number to

there 1471’s and way to give frankiee poo. but yeah like i said pussy shit

i dont need to know ur fucking family tree, dannys been a 6 time champ blah blah blah, the t bucket my BROTHER runs has been over a 12 points champion, immediate family there buddy, so YEAH what u got to say now BUDDY?

ok maybe your a hick also ,ill have to get at ya at the next event when i can go .besides there is nuttin wrong wit gettin a truck all muddy playin so its not f.t.l lololol

john… since u brought it up… what IS ur ex gf’s #?..

word i get the my jeep muddy at times. i just felt like pickin a fight i could win for once ive had a bad day lololol

what one ,ya met a few of em ,dont go for danielle she is bangin ni99as now

so whe we gettin the trucks muddy then ?

hell they r just loosening it up for me. lol:number1 ill borrow another couch of yours… (fuck yo couch)

no ,no ya wont ,besides dani has a oreo now she is all sorts of loose

and if ya didnt know oreo stands for a mixed color baby that is black on the outside but white in the middle

im well aware of what an oreo is…

you sure bout the couch thing? ill grace it with a puddle of ass sweat free of charge.:rofl