Old Computer Files -> New Computer. How to?

Ok, I’ve got the new computer here - now I need to get all my old vids / pics onto the new one… about 50gigs worth of shit… What’s my best way to do this?

I’ve got a router… but my l337n3$$ runs out after I plug the cables in - what’s next? I’ve never networked computers before.

Or is there a way I can do this over FireWire? Maybe it would be faster?

pull the HD out of the old, then install it in the new one.

EDIT then move the files over, put the HD back in the old case.

^that would be the fastest way.

The old HD has system files on it. I need them intact so that the old comp will work after. If I do that, what OS will the new comp try and load?

it will only boot off that drive if you tell it to in the bios settings, so you’d be straight since i’m sure you won’t touch the boot order…

btw you’ll want to set it to slave on the little jumper…

If you are running a different operating system ie XP on new, Win2k on old, install the old HDD as a slave harddrive in the new machine. However, setting up a quick network would be 10x easier and just as fast.

if you are going from xp to something older than 2000, a network may be more of a PITA.

I’d rather just do the quick network way. How do I do that? I know how to plug the cables in, but what do I need to do to get it to work? Win XP on both comps.

heres how you start josh (you might have to figure a few things out on the way so ask if you are stuck):

Go into your old computer, and in Windows Explorer or My Computer, right click on C drive (or whatever drive your files are on) properties, sharing tab.

Enable sharing, name the drive whatever you want, but enable full permissions (read, write, modify).

go to your new computer and go to “My Network places” find your old computer on the network, go into it. Find the harddrive, double click on it. And you can copy files over to your new computer via network.


This will work… if you have a hub/router

Thanks :tup: I’ll give that a shot in a few min utes :tup:

eh, you skipped a step there bro. like installing netbeui protocol… xp home doesn’t support it in the original configuration so he’ll have to find his xp cd and install it manually first…

edit: i’m not sure about xp pro though… so “which do you have” i guess is the first question…

XP PRO Both, one with Media Center

okay well the next step would be to see if the protocol is installed, my money is on “no” so – goto control panel/network connections/local area connection (you are using two patch cables right? not like wireless… because then you’d goto the “wireless network connection” here instead…)

okay now grab your xp cd, load it up and do a search for “nbf.sys” and “netnbf.inf”.

once you have those:

copy nbf.sys into the %SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ directory
copy netnbf.inf into the %SYSTEMROOT%\INF\ directory

then: in your connection properties, highlight"client for microsoft networks" and click install, goto protocol and select NetBEUI, and if you don’t have it the “Service” of “file and print sharing”

then you’re going to have to go back to the control panel/network connections again and setup a “home or small business network”. name your pcs, and make sure the workgroup name is the exact same whether it be “MSHOME” or “WORKGROUP” or whatever… then you can find it on the network by going to “View workgroup computers”.

ta da. yeah i may have missed a step there… or something… feel free to chime in anyone… :smiley: and by anyone i mean most likey buickgn… lol

:lol: zong you’ve learned so much!

you are like a little IT wizard now arent you :wink:

but that being said… everyone should help josh get his shit working so he can get all those vids/pics up :tspry:

zong who? :confused:

Cable modem connection to the internet port on the router, then add cables to the ports on the router from each PC NIC. If ur still not sure how to connect the router.

the asian dancer, aka, zong

Actually Netbeui is automatically used in all MS os’, and thats what really blows cause MS is lazy and they keep using it, even tho its outdated and shitty.

So you most likely have it already instaled, if u just enable simple file sharing, you should be all set, and if the router is connected correctly your other pc should show up under the network.

i usually dont like the MS wizzards when it comes to setting up any network. its usually much easier just to connect the cables and do a search for the newly created pc.

if you goto connections and the protocol is already installed, then you’re obviously good to go…

Josh I’m sorry I totally forgot about our little text message convo when my blackberry server decided to shit itself today.