OMG *OFFICIAL* iPhone Thread

Don’t be a hater!

More on the $200 rumor.

If it’s true I’m in for an 8gb.

ill upgrade from the original once its unlocked and jailbroken and i can use it with my existing plan…restrictions and price on the iphone plans suck dick.

Rumor? Jobs just told 52,000 people in attendance that was the price for the 8gb.

Im pretty much anti-apple and mac all together.

Sorry, not enough of a mac nuthugger to watch it live. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hadn’t seen anything official in the writeups and you didn’t post any link.

look below for the link and write up

I know, things that work how they should really suck… LOLZ…

VISTA FTW!!!:sword:


yeah all macs and apple products never fail.

silly apple humper

Everyone is going to have one now at that price…super

not me

every person it makes switch to AT&T is one less i have to use minutes to call :tup:

I miss my work IPhone…the windows mobile ones blow.

no background apps drives me nuts though. cant believe theyre not changing that. i hate signing back on to AIM every time i want to send a regular text or make a call or go to a site.

Yeah, but if they made a rotary dial iphone you’d be all over that shit.

Or better yet, one with just one button and you tell the live operator who to connect you with. :wink:

hahha not if it had apple on it i wouldent.

Oh sorry I use XP, that never fails me.

Its more of the way they do things and their business ethics than their products.

At least this is somewhat Open Source

Edit: Hopefully this will take some of the sting out of Verizons Alltel aquisition, thus making VZW the largest wireless carrier in the states.

I am still surprised Apple is going towards enterprise use with the phone…they really hate doing that…

this is not even close to be open source…

they just distribute an SDK so that other companies can produce software for it, no differently than building apps for OSX