Richmond Hill Meet [Friday nights]

he likes russian meat.

I’ll stop by if I’m in the area :slight_smile:

no and you like smelling cunt


Damn, don’t think I can show unless someone wants to give me a ride.

damn Dan, buy a car already!

May/June brother…

Pray with me haha!

You’ve been saying that for over a year.


Don’t blame me man… It’s not on me.

I’ve been TRYING for over a year!

:stuck_out_tongue: I know
Its still fun to bug you though. My 2nd s13 took me about 10 months to find, its not easy finding clean s13’s.


Ya you told me about that once.
I may have found something, I’ll tell you about it another time :wink:

has anyone else noticed that this has already reached 55pages?

I noticed that last night; pretty cool.

Where do you live Osad? If I go tonight I can prolly grab you.

I live in Thornhill, which direction are you coming from?

I don’t think I’m gonna come anyways, next week hopefully will work out better.

Thanks alot for the offer though!

i don’t really feel like coming out tonight… i should probably study anyway.

unless anyone cares enough to convince me (:P) i’ll probably stay at home…

lol Me, Andrew, and Wayne went to go for tea, service sucked but it was fun to talk, lots of plans for this year =) than wayne/andrew went home and i headed to commerce for some dmgf and mt2 action and jeep dori afterwards. when we got to tim hortons together we figured fuck and it didnt wait for anyone! GOOD CHOICE! HAHAHAHAH cause we knew noone would fucking show up ahaha so much slackers who say they will go and dont hahahahah

Kinda like you… :wink:

haha buddy if i say i come i will come, if i had no car i wouldnt even talk ahhaha

You really know howto hurt a guy :frowning:

p.s.- msg me for some pics.

msgd, check the frame on that one carefully, body looks ok, but still look inside the mudflaps and such spots