Singh vs. Cossey since Singh seems to like to start shit for no reason.

that’s awesome. thanks man

went shooting with it on saturday and shot a ton of bullets through it. i didn’t get hurt and it didn’t break.

the top piece that comes off , the one u got concerned about, it comes off in the exact same manor as the one on my bros AK and is just as a pain in the ass to put on if you’re not used to it.

EXACTLY the same thing between two guns.

So IDK man, the mag wobbles okay but other than that it’s a good gun and very solid.

You posted something that every faggot who is jealous of me was just dying to hear. Now they can have a field day over nothing.

The mags that came with it have play from side to side , NOT a big deal at all. You have so many guns, you got enough.

you are just so excited to talk shit because you can’t fit in the viper and we know it LOL

the gun is fine, period. he took it back because the top cover comes off like every other AK

What about the elec taped on but pad , the flash suppresor that was jacked up , the whole Thu.g was loose . I told u id still take the gun but not for what u wanted it for . Noone made a big deal bout it till u came in here . I always stick up for u most of the time so how am I a faggots about it ???

yea wasn’t calling you a faggot

anyways it’s whatever

I don’t know anyone here who is jealous of you…

you are just so excited to talk shit because you can’t fit in the viper and we know it LOL

the gun is fine, period. he took it back because the top cover comes off like every other AK

Oh man, a fat joke! Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever heard one of those! What in the world am I going to do? Should I go cry about it? “MOM, SINGH MADE FUN OF ME ON THE INTERNET!!! What if he writes a rap about me!!!” Oh, that’s right, no one would hear it.

I don’t know of anyone who cares if I can fit in a Viper. I don’t even care. I fit in my M3 perfectly fine, along with my other vehicles. I’m sorry they’re not flying carpets with tons of room everywhere.

The top cover coming off is NOT common on AKs, just IOI AKs due to having a very thin receiver and cover. The company has gotten horrible reviews on almost every gun forum I’m on. If you knew anything about guns, or did any sort of research, you’d know this.


U banned me for saying faggot and said " choose better words next time"

Ya youre pretty shitty as an admin lol i didnt break a rule


I didn’t ban you, though I’d rather be a shitty admin than a shitty person like yourself.

Im a shitty person if youre girlfriend isnt a golddigger



Please, keep talking about my weight and my girlfriend (whom you know nothing about) since you have absolutely nothing to talk about otherwise. You’re reaching for something and it’s ok, we all do it sometimes.

If you’re trying to make fun of me, actually talk about me. You could say I have one eye and I’m fat, and that’s really just about it. I don’t disrespect people unless they deserve it or disrespect me. I have no enemies, I haven’t failed at just about anything I’ve attempted. That’s pretty much all you’ll have to talk about. And it’s ok to do that, studies have shown that it is what people with lesser IQs or education tend to talk about, so at least you have that excuse.

Pics of alleged gold digger as they are typically very hot.


I met her. Not a bad looking girl at all.

i wouldnt make fun of your eye, that’s fucked and its not something you can control

lollllll im not really out to get you , don’t care that you’re fat but at least its something you can change unlike the eye situation so it’s not an unfair way to make fun of you

same thing with your girl , thats a situation which is under your control and we will pretend like not EVERYONE that knows you doesn’t talk about how much of a fake ass gold digger chick she is LOL we will just leave that one alone its cool.

havent failed at anything you tried, i know… you do pretty well for yourself and the endeavors that you undertake like photography… i know you made your 10+ grand back in equipment costs from the business you were able to get.

cutting mad vinyls for profit too.

LOL nah seriously i’m just kidding, everything is good… you’re a great dude.

shoutouts to everyone who bans me for saying the word faggot.

i’m sure you treat everyone with the same respect LOL


btw can i be unbanned since it was an invalid reason , im not the only mofo who has said "faggot " on this forum. If someone is / was personally attacked by that let me know who it was so we can laugh

Shift brings out the best in people

What’s funny is that you’ll say all these people talk about her, and you won’t tell me who it is. I’m gonna go ahead and guess it’s someone that hasn’t met her. I don’t buy her shit. You want to talk shit about stuff you know nothing about, hence why you bring it up. People will say what they want to say, because they figure I have money so any girl around me is a “gold digger”. Even all of my close friends know she’s not, and they’re the ones that are actually around her and I. Talk about me all you want, leave her out of this as it’s something you have no clue about, but it is on par with how disrespectful you are to other people.

I said from day one I set up my business as a tax shelter. Guess how much I actually paid for ALL of my camera equipment, printer, and cutter? $0 at the end of the year when I paid taxes. So I don’t think that’s a failure, but keep rapping, you’re gonna make it HUGE.

I’m not going to unban you, since I’m not like you and won’t step on another moderator’s toes who did ban you. How about you go cry to Vlad some more about being banned?


It weird with you guys, I dont know you guys much but the few I’ve met or talked to seem to be cool as hell yet you all fued on here. Its crazy.

Even if Cossey is buying her shit why the fuck should anyone care with how he spends his money? It’s all a bunch of weak excuses to say you’re jealous of someone without saying “I’m jealous of you”

You can often tell when somebody is jealous simply by studying their facial expressions and body language. If you’re giving that away on the internet, then… well… (you get the idea).


Cossey , ill be your gold digger !!! Just help me finish my camaro and ill give u handies ! Christ my car won’t be shit compared to the porshe lol