Singh vs. Cossey since Singh seems to like to start shit for no reason.

yea he stuck a shitty pen up my nose:rofl


I think I’d actually have to agree with that.

So why is Singh banned? Isn’t the server for this site in his house? :rofl


I like the part where Travis backed up Singh on the first page, which is where I stopped reading.

You’re all a bunch of cockmunching faggetss


No you wont you yelled at me on FB lastnight for sexual inuendos made in humor at your expense.

I cried, twice.

While looking at the original tit pic on Daves mustang.

I have framed.

Hanging on the wall next to my bed.

And please put the ladder back up next to your window… thx ill see you tonight.

I would. Singh knows his puters. Hes a solid shit in my book.

yep and you can fuck off.

Man knows whats up here boys.

I like Singh, hes good shit.

I like Cossey, hes good shit.

I like John, hes good shit.

Good shit’s in my book = Never done me wrong. I can trust them. We respect eachother.

Really if you look at those 3 aspects this thing called living in society isnt really that hard to do.

AmSlow… take note please.

I have an erection.

I usually don’t chime in on these mess of threads… However, I’ve dealt with Singh on a very limited basis in regards to web hosting, he helped me out when I was getting double charged and my service was a mess…

Cossey and John on the other hand, I’ve had plenty of dealings with. I’ve known Cossey for over 10 years, and I know I helped him out a lot when he was learning how to cope with his new disability. Years later, I found myself in a financial bind and guess who was the first person to step up, Cossey. I would never say I’m jealous of Cossey, because he had to lose part of his vision for what he has. I too have a progressive disability that I fight every day. As far as Cossey’ girl being a gold digger… Far from it, in fact I know what Cossey pays for her, and it’s peanuts at best. But why does it matter anyways?

Secondly, John… Another good guy in my book. Always up front and honest and a nice guy to be around. Look, everyone tells stories now and again, who cares. If he’s not hurting himself or anyone else, so be it. John would take the shirt off his back to help you out, that is fact.

Maybe I’m looking at things from a different angle considering I spent the last 8 weeks in the hospital with a broken femur, but more serious I had pneumonia and blood clots in my lungs and one in my brain… Being put in a medical induced coma and given 12 hours to live changes your life dramatically when you finally wake up and realize everything that happened around you.

In short, I guess I’m just asking for people to look for the good in things… I think that’s a big component of bringing happiness to your own life.

You heard it here first, folks, Cossey pays his girlfriend to be his girlfriend with peanuts.

John would take the shirt off his back for many reasons, not just to help someone! hahahahah

I like peanuts.

mmm penuts.



Gooby pls
Edit: fuckingbeat me to it

Come at me, bro.

you spelled penis wrong

Nice catch Paul, thanks.

Happy birthday btw.

Happy birthday PJB!!!