Episode 1: (Disclaimer: All characters are fictional and are not depictions of any real life individuals)
Fresh from development:
Director and Screenplay: JVG
Co-director: Big Red
Moral Support: Yetti VRT
Film Critic Approval: Crazybrew
Episode 1: (Disclaimer: All characters are fictional and are not depictions of any real life individuals)
Fresh from development:
Director and Screenplay: JVG
Co-director: Big Red
Moral Support: Yetti VRT
Film Critic Approval: Crazybrew
OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! How do you guys make those??? Im dying laughin over here! Nice work
Ho lee shit :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Still :rofl’ing
JClark points :vlad
Word’s can’t describe the hilarity of that video… rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl
ahahahahhah omg wow just wow
hey jon wheres episode 2 lol
Best video ever.
Looking forward to episode 2
More episodes from Big Red and I coming periodically.
1 word, 3 letters, 1 meaning
this shits getting out of hand again. ill be informing mods about this as well as the other one. ive done nothing to provoke this shit yet im still attacked on here… its getting old. grow the fuck up.
A mod made this so good luck with that
yeah i got his report a post. He whines about everything. :ahhYour good entertainment, sorry.
my point exactly. jvg is a fuckin scumbag. always has been, always will be. he gets his fat fuckin jollies off by trying to bust on someone else because he’s more useless than tits on a fuckin bull. lock and delete this shit.
Some parts were a bit much, but overall that was superb. :rofl
so make one about him using those traits then.