Stolen 240's ?

i solved this poblem simply. i have a 2 way pager alarm. “code alarm” is the brand. simply touch my car and my pager alerts me instantly. plus when the alarm is activated on my car, the alarm kills the engine. u can have any tool wire or whatever, there not takin my car unless they have my keypad. and to boot im allways up at prime time for car theifs so the police is the least of there worries. that alarm goes off u got 120lbs of rottweiler and 220 lbs of furious 240 owner comin at u. good fukn luck with that! i actually cant wait for the day some little shit tries takin my car lol

that doesn’t solve anything haha, i was an alarm installer for years, if you have those skills you can bypass any alarm u want. if your car didn’t have a good alarm factory anything u add can be bypassed easily.

Delete this fucking thread. If your car was meant to be stolen it will be stolen, no questions asked.

100 percent true - seen it happen

i feel intimidated >__< plz dont steal my car… i live at 101 jackmikar st …pm me for my postal code to send me xmas cards

please steal my car, its valued by insurance for a lot more than i could sell it for :wink:

and the 20 mins it takes u to figure out the wiring and try to get it started. think thats gunna help u? think it takes me 20 mins to put on a pair of shoes, grab and bat and my dog? lmao. like i said b4. i fiend for the day some idiot thinks he got lucky with my 240 haha

p.s im thinkin of installing a fuel pump shut off switch. anyone know how to do this or have diagrams let me know thanks


Please tell me you have an SR engine with full coilover kit, Volks rims, bucket seats, full system with screen or else you seem to be going over board for a $3000 at most on wheels.

well…id be the same even if stock, a car that i enjoy/like is worth more than money to me. BUT if circumstances are “ok” to do so…

Sorry guys I forgot I live out of the city and stuff.

lets just say i have enough to worry about. and last time i looked, ur lookin at about 1500 - 2000 just for a 240 with a solid frame to START building on. im guessing by ur name that u have a beamer, which are shit…i’ve yet to come across one that can keep up, and every little middle eastern kid in hamilton’s got one so they’ve lost all respect on the street. so dont talk about 240s like there not worth protecting cuz in the end they are the japanese car the germans wish they made :cool:

Ditto, but Jammin, coupes are more easier to steal.

Wow, just wow… I almost bought a 325I last month. The BMW was 100x more comfortable and 1000x more luxurious, I fail to see how the stock 240sx was superior.

Let’s hear about it :slight_smile:

It says right in my Sig what I drive hahah. Yes like someone might have said BMW’s are def not shit don’t hate becuase you probably can’t afford one.

Oh snap, Taxes on my car cost about that much, your baller bro.

It’s like I said if a real thief wants your car its gone, no questions asked. How bad is theft up in Hamilton anyway

cudos, to the person who ever steals my car… you just stole the most beat up s13 in ontario. sucker.

I’d steal your car just to JDM tight :smiley:

if anyone wants me to steal their car pm me

So I think s13_coupe is really trying to say “I wish I had the kind of money those middle eastern kid’s have then I would spend my time on a BMW forum rather then trash talk them here.” Funny how it is always easy to say how bad/ slow/ some form of negative remark something is when we do not have it. Don’t worry I’m sure engineers at BMW are worried about Japanese competition from a S13…

Oh for PUREEUROM3 in the GTS-T who is paying that much in tax for his car. Don’t take it personally that you paid like what $500-650 in taxes for your car (thats what taxes cost for a car that’s worth about $7000 right?). I heard a rumor somewhere that the Canadian government was actually considering taxing a considerable amount on people trying to import GTS-T’s in an effort to discourage them from buying it and in turn keeping such a poorly engineered car out of Canada.

if i wanted a bmw i would have one. i dont have one b/c there the next civic. u go for a 20 min drive in hamilton u’ll see at least five 3 series beamers bombin around with a flip screen, 500,000k’s and a pair of $50 angel eye headlights off ebay cuz the kids think there ballin luxury cars. im not sayin all bmw’s are shit i’ve just yet to have one take me in a race. and the one’s that can take me cost like 50k+ lol, gratz!! u just bought a car instead of a down payment on a house to beat a 20 yr old in 15 yr old jap scrap.