The evolution of Barry Bonds.

Home runs in batting practice do not equal home runs in a game.

I am not assuming that those who are not jacked are not on steroids. Those who are reported as taking steroids are those who wanted to bluk up and gain strength. Bonds, McGuire, Sosa, Conseco, Palmero, Giambi, Giambi all play positions where they are expected to produce offensive numbers with minimal defensive concern. In otherwords, but up big numbers and just worry about routine plays.

I understand that steroids do other things but that is not what they are being used for in baseball right now. I know the very basics about different types of steroids, and the majority of the steroids in question are those that would provide strength and size.

The clear was actually designed to promote endurance. It is a mix of THG, insulin, and EPO.

The clear is a mix of epitestosterone/testosterone used to keep T/E levels down when testing occurred. Baseball and I think other sports question anything above 6/1.

Starting pitchers do not throw as hard as they can every time they throw a fastball. So what they can throw and what they actually throw are different. I don’t know is you played baseball Afrank, but you can indeed come out and throw the same with 4 or 5 days rest without taking steroids. You can even manage to hit the same speeds as the previous game pitched.

As for track and field. The only people document as using steroids are sprinters (who only need burst speed and short term power) which are clearly on the bulky muscular side and shot putters (where size and power) matter.

For you to make your point you should have suggested a sport like cycling where you would have actually been correct. Landis and Armstrong would be examples of steroids for endurance. Not track and field. Marion Jones’ legs are probably twice the width of your body.

Oh man, this thread rocks. Bonds is going to break it regardless.

yeah and nobody is going to give 2 shits about a cheater.

especially no one with a hall of fame ballot

but the guy (bonds) has NEVER tested positive



Baseball is life, I mean really… it is