Who just watched the season premiere of 24? What did you guys think?

I thought it was awesome… ALLAHHH!!!

It was pretty good, but I expected more

i thought it was pretty awesome, love kumar’s performance thought it was top notch. Hard to take him seriously considering the other films he’s done in the past. most recently. Vanwilder : rise of taj (disappointment)

My brother got the preview DVD (4 episodes) 5 days early…they were GREAT.

That show totally pwns all shows.

Jack Bauer FTW (and that new brunette…). :smiley:

haha, yeah kumar is pretty funny. it’s kinda hard to take him serious…

What happened to House? I like that show, but havent seen it in a while…then again, I haven’t watched TV in a while…

Stop watching that crap show and watch the first season of Dexter that just finished. Nothing compares. ;]

24 is one of the greatest shows on TV… I don’t even watch TV and I know that, LOL

jack bauer drifting a jeep ftw

i missed sundays due to work, i was quite disapointed

rofl matty, yeah that was awesome, pretty nice drifts too, he straightened it out pretty good too.

Btw, house starts next week I think. I don’t watch that though. And then prison break starts.

house started back last tuesday, hes off the charges, just has to continue rehab

and yes it is a really good show

and about 24, i saw it today for the first time (monday the 15th) it was pretty good, was it a season premier because it had 2 episodes? one at 8 o clock and one at 9.

I have never seen one episode of any of these shows, but the most interesting-sounding one is definitely Dexter, I’ll agree there John.

We just got TMN so I think i have Dexter on demand now and i’ll give it a look over since i was a big fan of the Saw series :slight_smile:

it was actually a 4 hour season premier…2 episodes yesterday and 2 today

oh ic…24 is definitely on my shows to watch list now. lol cant wait for house tomorrow, anyone follow that?

I don’t know if i could just start to watch any of these shows now… Wouldn’t it just fuck up the chronology of the series??

Heeeroeeeeessss! Best show on. Others that aren’t bad include BS:G and Prison Break. I’ve never seen 24, so I can’t judge it, but House was pretty dissapointing to me. I saw 3-4 eps, and they seemed to be identical. House is a jerk to someone, House argues with the woman that runs the hospital, House talks to that guy about his leg, House randomly thinks of the cure. Ep ends.

24 was awesometonight… poor curtis… .got owned

I feel bad for curtis, he was one of my fav characters… especially in season 5 when he got captured. And he pwned them all.

well he got shot… and not just anywhere, in the jugular… it was his fault for not pullling the trigger earlier. But without the hesitation there would be no suspense.

its funny how jack bauer gets stabbed on the shoulder and stabbed through the back how he can survive and run w/o any pain. I find also strange that when he breaks into a buick he finds a GPS cell phone. Those are the only inconsistancies i see in the show, other than that it’s a good show.

Btw. how do you stop an exploding man?