Weight progress thread

Nice job man! My roadblock comes in the form of alcohol…Its hard to keep a balance of going out and hitting the gym sometimes lol

nutrition is half the battle…

:rofl thank you sir

Nice, keep it up Rita!

Thanks and bro you can do 20lb no problem

Thanks Pete :thumbup

Im doing both. Im not looking to get jacked up with a ton of mass but I am getting stronger. I can lift alot more than I used to be able to.

Youre 210? I know youre 9 feet tall but still I didnt think I was only 2.5-5 pounds (depending on the day- today I was 212.5) more than you because you seem a hell of alot thinner than me.

Hey richard can the folks in here see what BEST FITNESS does to people???show them a bodybuilder body…lol

I go to best, you don’t wanna see a pic of me :lol.

In all seriousness tho, I’ve been going back and forth with diet and lifting for years now, I get into it hard, make good progress, then get caught up doing other shit like school/work. I’m still wayy ahead of where I used to be strength wise. Before my knee surgery I got down to 195-197, which I would like to get to again in a few months. I’m currently ~220 @ 5’11".

Oh Ned, props for the dedication and hard work, shit ain’t easy!!

Odd, usually when you SEE progress it motivates you to make even MORE progress.

Yup, probably more like 205, though. I’m not really “skinny” but I’m not really “overweight.” I’m 6’5", btw :lol

lolol naaa i dont want people to get nauseous and throw up in their mouths

impressive…good work

Super impressive. Back in '06 I ventured to lose a couple pounds, I ended up dropping 120lbs. I held it off for about 3 years, then I gained it all back. Keep on top of it (looks like you know what you’re doing) and remember how shitty you felt when you were overweight… kind of like how I feel now hahaha…

come on dude show them how its done WITHOUT JUICE…lollllll

which best do you go to???and what times??

Currently at about 210-215 and I’d like to get stay about that or maybe 200-205 but gain some light muscle mass and definition. No need or want for me to be bulky or insanley huge. I’m pumped to start working out again, hopefully I can get in a good routine and stick with it.


lol thanks al0t brotha but alota haters out thurrr

im pretty skinny

/end PJB

omfg wichard, im dying lolol

thats the whole point …kill them with kindness…lolll

killin em with those model-esk good looks richie