What color should i paint my 240...


Reguardless of your final decission the current paint needs to be stripped down pretty good.

In the meantime (awsome album by Helmet BTW) do the Rustoluem roller method and have some fun, or cheap spray job, with intentions of money job later. Do something fun, even this…




Glow in the fucking dark.


yeah…you could do a brown metallic and then get the license place “turdboed”


white > *

i’ve seen some newer 350Z’s with a more dull orange…it doesn’t have that metallic hint to it…and it is a lighter shade of orange…almost like a cream orange…i think it’d be pretty rad on a 240

Orange makes cars look poor for some reason (IMO)

Chalkboard FTMFW

Id drive all the way to your house at like 3am just to draw something obscene on it…



Whatever color you decide to paint it I’d say just save yourself some time and money and get it done at Earl Scheibs. You’re not looking for a perfect paint job, you dont care about any of the jambs being painted, the body doesnt seem to have any rust or major issues and looks fairly straight and if you can always do most of the prep work, masking, dis/reassembly so the paintjob comes out nicer.

i’m pretty fond of the color white.


Chalkboard ftw

paint it baby blue. with a shark hood. and paint the bimmer pink and have someone follow you around town in it :stuck_out_tongue:

Paint it Oasis Green or Golf Green.

white camoflage, do it, do it

<3 white camo

so is don imus


Why dont you post up a pic of your car so that it can be photoshopped?

only pic i have. sorry about the euro POS.


Honestly I think just a darker shade of blue would look great. Like the early 90s blue used on Fords, or GM dark blue. If I get some time I’ll try to add reflections in and go from there and do the green.