well i have these red advan beater wheels and they have faded pink… some of you have seen them. They need another coat and i have not decided on a color… looking for opinions.
this is what they look like faded red

well i have these red advan beater wheels and they have faded pink… some of you have seen them. They need another coat and i have not decided on a color… looking for opinions.
this is what they look like faded red
ur ghey, leave them.
That last pic of your car in the driveway with all four red rims looks surprisingly good.
brown face polish the lip
GOLD, so that when i have them i don’t have to paint them!
The same colour as that couch, nigger brown I believe it was.
what a stupid comment that was, i really feel sorry for you
LOL! i thaught it was sorta funny. i think the wheels should stay red, they look nice with the white car.
haha 20% say you’re a poser!
I vote red, anything else will not have the “POW” the red does.
k, I’m going to go play bowling on Bobby’s phone.
red for sure, that pic with all four red is hott.
yeah everyone seem to suggest you keep your red, maybe paint it metallic red ;). so you can bling while going sideways.
yeah I agree, make your rims all baller and Jdm Tyte =)
jesse, your fan club wants red…dont dissappoint
i’d say gold(bronze) or silver. Personally i hate the red, but it works alright on a white car.
How about Navy Blue?
I voted poser since I have SA3’s as well…
Jesse, keep it red. It definitely makes your look a lot more JDM. I’m being serious too. I actually like it with the white car.
peral white.
white on white thats fucking ross.
leave em the way they are , the pink is wicked , goes along well with your accentric charm