What do you guys do to fall asleep?

Good deal. :tup: Thanks for not taking my posts as an attack.

I don’t have any first hand experience with chronic pain and whatnot so I can’t comment there.

But when I have trouble sleeping for whatever reason, if it’s just one night I’ll just do something to distract myself and/or center myself. Distraction = reading or polishing the bishop or something. Centering = doing something to remind myself what really matters to me, which 9 times out of 10 is not what’s keeping me awake. Reading a “self help” style book is usually a way I choose to gain the tools to keep myself centered on what’s really important. I’m halfway through Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” right now. The basis of it, is that if a many has a “why” to live he can deal with almost any “how” to live. Frankl came up with this “logotherapy” while trying not to die in a Nazi concentration camp, which lends just a touch of credibility to the book.

If I have a few nights of not being able to sleep then I’ll try to pay more attention to getting tired during the day. Working out a couple of times or something. I mean fundamentally humans are just animals. Animals work hard all day, get tired, and sleep because they’re tired.

Oh wait, this is an internet forum. manly voice Fuck a bitch in the ass and then cum on her face, then roll over drunk and pass out. grunt

lol, I used to read a lot, but it takes a certain book to keep me entertained. I used to just read up online then go to bed but my back bothers me so much thats all I can think about.

trazidone (sp?) is good shit give it 15mins and u’ll be out

Shitty. :tdown: Good luck man.

Watch the Sabres/ Blue Jackets game that was on last week. That shit will put you to sleep really fast. Or watch golf.

Ambien worked wonders at first, but like all narcotics your body gains a tolerance and doesnt work as it used to.

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) used to work great for me but then it started making me pour sweat like I just got out of the shower and I would wake up since my pillow would be drenched.

anybody try the non narcotic lunesta shit?

skip a night of sleep.

you’ll have no problem sleeping the next night.

i do it all the time.

Relax listen to some nice good acoustic music, have a cigarette or two, and rub one out, try to mentally lower your heart rate and slow yoruself down in bed. then before you know it poof

lol, who told you to do this?

sex or jerk off, but usualy im coming home from a 12 or 16 hour shift so im dead tired as it is.

make sure its completely dark, even ambient light from an alarm clock or led from your computer can hinder your sleep. i would say no to sex, maybe j.o just so you get the neurotransmitter dump in your brain to relax you, but in general you should stay away from physical activity even 2-3hrs before you plan on sleeping. if you drink coffee or caffeine cut it out of your diet, it will take about 2 weeks for it to get out of your system completely, but after about 1 week you will have more energy. smoking is definately a problem since the nicotine will stimulate you. also, alcohol give some people the drowsy effect, but its actually detrimental to your sleep and will just exacerbate things. be careful with benadryl… i found myself taking over 500mg (~20, 25mg pills) at a time, starting with 4 then 8, then 12 and so forth, it will knock you out and youll sleep great the first time, but then it will stop working since your receptors are all blocked, youll also anxiety and increased nervousness is a side effect of benadryl, so you may fall asleep, but then youll be twitching, tossing, and turning after about 2hrs of sleep. the best thing to do is NOT lie in bed if you are unable to sleep. Get up and do some mindless task… do not watch tv, read a book, or the phonebook, or something that will bore you… then try to sleep again once you feel drowsy. as dr/ stevil mentioned meditation, this works quite well for me. if you notice when you read things you “speak” them in your head, this is called internal monologue. try to avoid it, what i do is picture numbers and count 1 number every second, but only picture the word, do not “speak” it in your head using internal monologue. also a technique used by ancient chinese is to focus on breathing patterns. actively take deeper breaths, and try to slow your breathing rate to induce sleep. it will promote relaxation… in order to get a “good nights sleep” you need to go thru the Rem cycle, which may not appear for 5hrs…

ive suffered from sleep problems since i was about 8yrs old, so ive tried everything just about… just stay the fuck off the drugs, they ALL have risk of dependency and will act as a crutch that is very hard to shake. my uncle actually died because he became so dependant that he would use horse tranquilizers since everything else was too weak. the only natural thing that helped me was just kicking caffeine out of my diet…

most likely a doctor. many believe in his condition soething floppy like a matress will strain the back. flatter more stable things as in the floor are thought to keep the spine in line and lower pain levels.

Just my opinon or thought

most of the time i have tons of problems sleeping. Many things work then dont work. I worked 1st shift for awhile and it screwed me up hardcore. Sometimes i just stay awake so long then i have to sleep. eventually u cant control it. its said that in order to torture people the militarywill allow them to sleep 4 or 5 hours. its ten times as bad as staying awake for a couple days.

Sweet baby tranquilized Jesus. :jawdrop: I had no idea you could take that much and not have some sort of blood toxicity. Not surprising though, your body adjusts to the drowsy effect of antihistamines very quickly, in just a few doses.

definately since benadryl is just a simple receptor blocker, so when your “allergy” appears the site is already blocked and cannot bind and give you the allergic reaction… ive heard people taking as much as 800mg benadryl. clinical studies have shown that sleep deprivation causes people to act similarly to being drunk… i can definately attest to those results… i tried to be as safe as possible with chemicals… its stupid though when youre good at chemistry etc, because then i found myself calculating dose equivalents between codeine and hydromorphone (both cause androgenous morphine release, although hydromorphone is at least 5x more potent due to the hydroxy group in the chemical structure). if you note also acetominophen is something to be controlled because it can lead to liver problems. if youre on any sort of pain medication such as hydromorphone, they usually add at least 200mg acitomenophen, since acitominophen is a lousy pain reducer compared to morphine (still strongest painkiller known to man) its MAIN job is just to increase the potency of hydromorphone. unfortunately i would find myself taking 5-6 pills of hydromorphone and 1000mg acitominophen to boost. why am i illustrating this? because the use of sleep aids will just keep building, unless you change something in your life first. you cant substitute sleep aids for vices in your daily life. luckily i found caffeine to be my culprit, and i was able to ditch everything :slight_smile: note: id be constantly checking my blood pressure and trying to calculate blood pH.

i guess I will be the first, smoke some pot and jerk off. you will pass right out.

or…just skip a night…

doesnt work for everyone baby, its called circadian rhythms

wtf? i know everything.

Stomach sleeper.

Usually within 3-5 minutes im out.No medication induced comas,no tricks.

Shut lights off,lay down,close eyes.

watching tv puts me to sleep