What TCC thinks of 240s


As for this argument, it will never change.

The douche bag fanboys will thrive on their own vehicles, until the day comes for them to fix something or to upgrade to something bigger (parts wise) and they will puss out and end up jumping onto the next bandwagon, and continue the cycle.

Only those who truly appreciate their own rides can appreciate another persons car/work.

For an example, I performed my first engine swap on my own, it was alot of blood and sweat, but after I finished I felt good about myself and the car, now when I meet others going through the same thing (regardless of the cars make) I offer the same amount of respect. Why? Because I can relate, and I’m not a bitch ass. lol

I used to hate rice, now I just don’t care. If someone I know is driving a car I don’t like, I won’t kill their buzz and tell them that. I keep that stuff to myself, or offer CONSTRUCTIVE critiszm.

So, those of you who hate FWD or Honda and praise RWD or your slammed rust bucket s-chassis on ebay coils with a welded on ractive muffler tip, just end yourself now, because there’s no cure for being terminal.

And yes, I’m a hypacrit cuz im poor and can’t afford performance parts, so my shit is stock :open_mouth: