what's the deal?

So me and a fellow co-worker were having a conversation about drifting. As we talked through lunch it led to, WTF is with all these drift gangs/groups/teams… whatever. So here I am asking what is with all these drifting gangs? I mean whatever, it’s cool to have a bunch of buddies you go out with all the time, but why does everybody and their grandmoo seem to be in one of these things… it’s just kinda funny that’s all… mind you I’m probably just a little bitter that I’m not cool enough to be in one.




thread fail.


scott!!!.. i bet you know what this thread could use some off :wink:

usually shit like this happens when people get comfy driving with a few of their close friends.

Helps push you to drive harder…always something that pants and i do everyday.

im a hardparker . fuck

lol why is it when ever u post … it always makes me laugh…
btw u still have my phone? im wondering whered it go:/:

It’s just a bunch of friends who like chilling together. There’s TOO many clubs within a scene of cars (SON240 is no exception)… not even speaking about the whole automotive industry in general.

It’s not a “cool thing to do” but those teams or car clubs rather; eventually become like a little family of people in a larger industry (take Risky Devil, Team Top Flight, Union Auto Club, etc for examples).

It slowly evolves from 1 or 2 guys (or girls) who have a car in common or a general ideology to many people who share these views and legitimately get along with eachother.

ya I get it but it just seems that if you drift it’s like a givin’ that you need a team name to have any cred… anywho I’m gunna stop now cause I can feel it getting hot in here…

I guess I haven’t been around here long enough for people to get to know me, but I’m not that serious of a guy and usally I’m always joking around… don’t take things I say to seriously


more like


lol i’m kidding… i have friends i rip with, but we dont have a team name.

It’s not that people NEED a crew to drift or chill with to have cred.

But realistically why drift or chill alone when you can have some people by your side? Unless you’re some dumbfuck loner with no friends it’s a stupid idea haha.

Besides the more people the more fun it gets. :lol:

thats a very true statement chris!!

to add:
why not come to meets when the season starts up… mayb ull find your way into a gang of dudes who u can relate well with!! id say thats the best way if ur looking to roll with some ppl!

So I took off all my clothes…
I’m going to start Naked Drift…
I’m gonna drift out with my shit out…

Thanks Shawn.

And yes I agree with your statement too… we’re not assholes on SON240 like Zilvia (well truth be told… certain people are but all that aside) come out to meets and get to know people from the site. Easiest way to do it is the meets or track days.

oh trust me. hopefully if all goes well I’ll be there on the track laying some sideways beets! OH! … that’s if I don’t peg it into the wall first go around lol

And we must make special vented doors, so that the goods can flap about in the wind…but what happens when you REALLY enjoy your drift?..do you have to drive around until it goes away?:stuck_out_tongue:

unless your a women… specificly in size 36/25/36 or >… than please… clothes on… LOL

Fair enough… I’ll rock a zebra print thong then… Equally disturbing…

Rock one of those modified thongs, with the shlong pouch tube thing…yeeeeaaaassss