What the hell?

What the hell is going on?

Seems like everyone and their grandma is selling their 240s, 240s + SRs, SR parts, etc.?

Pavel, Greg, DETS14, Nik, etc. etc. etc.

Like check the for sale thread, everyone is selling everything.

Am I missing something…seriously?

The cops are cracking down hardcore…I guess some people just don’t want to deal with it anymore.

and some people prefer building, then enjoying the result for just a little bit. then they start all over again.

Plus, its summer, if you want to sell a car, now is the time because everyone wants to buy.

it really sucks tho. i’ll miss the cars for sure

No. I dont think that anything has changed in the past years. When have the cops not cracked down? We should all know that this happens every season. They come out HARD to do exactly what is happening now, convincing our fellow friends to take once step backward from their passion. It doesnt matter what car you have, your tastes will stay the same. If you get a ticket because your exhaust is loud, i can bet you that your next car will have an exhaust just as loud, or be just as slammed to the ground, or be just as sideways.

I am honestly pretty pissed at the situation right now. Im not mad at everyone selling their cars, because im sure their minds are pretty caught up in the moment right now. Im just mad that they are not thinking twice of leaving a world that has treated them so good for so long, and now this one little blip turns them right around.

Yes some cops are assholes, they will always remain. That is no excuse to give up your car…

If this is bugging everyone so much, we should just meet up someone each night and cruise down or up to a place (less pop, boonies) where the heat is lower, we just gotta do more to find a solution.

So yeah i just thought id say this. oh and NeveR wasnt it you who said they were gonna sell their car like 3 weeks ago?!? :twisted: THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! :shock: just kidding :lol:

stay strong people, and i hope to see many at the weekly meets, which we can change the location if we need to. (its as simple as that)

Cracking down? According to whom?

I have tons of goodies on my car and cops don’t even give me a second look, let alone pull me over. Not even once yet.

how loud is your exhaust? how obvious is your car? body stock? is your car one of a kind, therefore stands out in a crowd? or are you recognised in your local area by your car and or how you drive it?

there are lots of reasons cops can and will pull you over. its not just that they are cracking down, its that there havent been hot cars out for a while (winter) so now as they come out, cops are taking advantage of the opertunity.

I was only THINKING of selling my car.

I don’t know if I could tho. She’s my baby.

I’m just hoping these people selling their cars AREN’T growing out of the scene, considering alot of them are the pioneers of it.


im selling my parts cus i cant deal with the heat from the cops anymore. ive been in the scene for a long time now and every year its the same… i know the risks but im just choosing not to deal with it any more… ill still mod the shit out of my cars… and probly be just the same in the long run but the current car i have is far to over the top for street use in markham.

i recall a certain someone talking about their car being heat… hes not seen a thing untill he sees the local guys.

the new project i have stays under wraps for now… but itll will be shown soon enough



this is the only thing i may ever agree with greg on.

it’s not fun being pulled over every night, and i’m not saying mine was anything spectacular, but when it stands out you get targeted and it sucks.

best of luck to you all.

cops don’t even take a second look at the flatblack civic hehehe. i hate it so!

Ive been pulled over twice (because of my plates), and once for my exhaust. Cops dont even look twice at my car unless they see the front mount. I remember once, i was driving past a peel cop, he looked at the front mount and his jaw dropped, haha, big deal. Cops don’t bother me much. But then again, I dont drive like a moron.

What’s wrong with your plates? b/c I’m thinking of getting a plate protector for mine, and I’ve been told to look for the clear ones, since the blue tint ones were illegal. Problem is… I don’t see clear ones anywhere.

crappy tire

Oh. They had a whole container of the blue ones, but no clear ones… I guess I should look harder :smiley:

Nothing, I just felt like being a jackass. I put the plate on my dash. I liked how the fmic looked without it, haha.

i have my share of tickets, and have been pulled over many many times…

most of the time i deserved it and i was polite with the officers and everything ended up okay.

honestly, who cares about a ticket.

in the next couple years my insurance will be pretty damn high, but what the fukk and i gonna do buy a hyundai excel?

i’d rather make sacrifices elsewhere and keep on keepin on.

but yeah, driving like a complete moron will get you some discipline for sure, i’ve had it.

on the other hand, a good lawyer will get you right out of all of that. i’ve seen the extreme of that.

i think i told most of you guys that i was in the car when my buddy got a 232kph ticket in his dads corvette, he got off scott free because his dad has a good lawyer.

theres a lot of talk of driving like a moron but really. i dont… and i get pulled over alllll the time.

in markham they are out to get us… it sounds liek the regular thing for a young guy to say about cops… but in this area… its true…

regardless… people sell their cars for all kinds of reasons… i just happen to be selling mine to go another way… im not out of the scene by any means… i grw up with it… itll never go away


in markham they are out to get us… it sounds liek the regular thing for a young guy to say about cops… but in this area… its true…

Way to true.

What’s a couple hundred dollars in tickets when you’re spending thousands to mod your car??

Cops always crack down this time of year, it just weeds out the girls.

try driving a moving flame thrower… one reason to stick with an auto rx7 , you don’t get the 8ft flames of death at night… I’ve got family that are cops and for the most part 1/2 are great guys 1/2 are complete tossers that i’d drown given 1/2 the chance. It’s the same demographic with any police force, you have the guys who wnt to do the job and do it well, without the drama… and you’ve got the F-ups who only wanted to join the forst to carry a gun and keep up the tough guy act they had in HS.

pure BS. it’s really a flip of the coin if a cop witll try to stop you or not… I carry a mini tape device with me for ~ 2 years now, so far I haven’t had to use it but if you do get pulled over you ahve it handy and let the office know you are taping it for ‘both’ your protection… most of the time they give you a look , do some BS walk around and send you on your way…

You drive like a 16 year old noob with his moms BMW and park it inside the back end of a semi, then yeah you deserve what you get.

… I wonder how they are going to react to my Rotora wing ???

those couple hundred in tickets MEANS THOUSANDS in insurance premiums