White Power! soon to be no more



Chino and JustA4Door can not have all of the burden of trying to keep us the majority. Someone better get to baby making to help them out and quick!

lol. +karma

I can’t wait to get all the benefits of other minorities.

Alot can happen in 34 years.

pickup line tonight: hey there, wanna help preserve the white majority?

lol no shit, i want free food, welfare, bene cards, and not have to work for anything, shit maybe even a HUD home for good measure.

affirmative action in IT and engineering?


lol :tup: me need more smashing in here …send all them bitches to me :wave: its also from all then white chicks black dicks that are all over

I love how some people think minorities live in this wonderful world of government handouts

you forget this lady?


minorities receive more money the more kids they have! our own government is encouraging them to out number the whites! it’s a giant conspiracy

well if we didn’t have jobs and got to stay home fuckin all day what do you think would happen…

World? No.

In WNY? statistics don’t lie.

Grow up on the east side in your next life.

yea weird, when the rural south would kill her if they had a chance. I would rather have my personal safety than handouts.

You live a wonderful life and you are Italian right?:gotme:


and you see what directon this country is heading as well…

yeah, alot of FUCKING.

and rape. you can’t forget about rape.

we will start with all JDM people