who do you plan to worship this christmas?


TO ME this holiday is a Christian holiday that I celebrate, in part, by putting up a tree and celebrating and giving gifts to people I love.

However it is different things to different people. I can’t say anyone else is wrong and nobody can say that I’m wrong. That is just the meaning I choose to give it.

december 25 / christmas has no relation to FSM, save him for the rest of the year.

There really needs to be some sort of 3rd option.
Right now all we have is…

  1. Fake and worshiped by adults.
  2. Fake and worshiped by children.

no third option needed because no other gods are celebrated on dec. 25th.

Pan…The Goat God

also, not celebrated on the 25th of december. come on kids, this is easy.

Alright then. I’m going to worship Isis.

Third option for people who do not celebrate?

well it really isn’t Jesus’ Birthday on the 25th so this whole thing is shenanigans

as stated, if you don’t then which would you pick if you did.

did anyone say manbearpig?

Christians picked that day to celebrate him, did they pick the wrong day?

Incorrect. There are multiple pagan December 25th holidays that pre-date Christianity. The entire reason that Christmas is December 25th is because of other pagan festivals. Back in Rome in the good old days there were a lot of pagans who worshipped Isis, Mithra, etc. The winter solstice was thought to be December 25th. In order to make it easier to convert the pagans to Christianity, December 25th was selected so that the pagans could still celebrate a winter festival on the 25th but slowly get them to start doing it in the name of Christianity. Nobody is actually sure when Jesus was born.

yes, but we also covered that he’s got no ties to December 25th.

It’s Christmas, not christmas!!!

So you can guess my answer.:biglaugh:

good points… my favorite part of the history was that in the mid 19th century people almost stopped celebrating christmas. so the christian movement basically got santa into the picture to drag people back into celebrating again…

for the sake of this thread call all the pagan gods “santa” since he was basically developed from them. the only reason somebody would pick one of those is to derail my thread anyway.

and it’s “it’s” not “its”

No it’s not!

You would say “It is christmas” so you should use it’s

correct? I thought that was the rule.