Westboro Baptist Church....

would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas.

BLOCKED at work :frowning: Whatcha got?!

thats the one that was protesting soldiers funerals and shit right? We can only hope they get taken out in a horrific accident

that was great

wow those people are fucked

same people that “protest” dead soldiers funerals right?


they are singing a Christmas song.

ah yes, God Hates Fags and co.

I’m amazed that they are still alive. Particularly Fred Phelps and Shirley Phelps xxxxx

well that was awesome! I have been looking for a new house of worship.

what a bunch of fuckups

im sure this thread will turn into something about atheism vs religion

That was just outright disturbing…

What are they even basing these claims off of?

LOL I like it

lol in T minus… 5…





these pretzels are making me thirsty

satan claus lollll

i lol’d