Lets take care of all organization in this thread.

Meet at the Elementary School (9600 Clarence Center) around 9AM. [SIZE=“6”]Peaceful and respectful signs are acceptable, nothing overboard or violent, we are better than these people.[/SIZE]

Dress appropriately as we will be honoring the victims and their families.

If you have intentions of lashing out or becoming physical, DO NOT EVEN BOTHER ATTENDING WITH US

Suggestions as to time/place to meet, things to bring, organization is key.

Cliffnotes from other thread: There are funeral sessions on Sunday, the Westboro BC has planned to attend the services and do their normal picketing. (If you are unfamiliar with WBC, see their website at )

People on this board as well as around the WNY area have discussed organizing a PEACEFUL anti-protest, in such a manner that delivers the message.

Are they coming for the plane crash? I saw them down on the National Mall near MSNBC the day before the Inauguration… a little less irritating than I would have thought. I kind of write them off as real life internet trolls.

Terrible people, though.

what is going on

see the end of the flight 3407 thread if you wish to be filled in.

IN…fn fggts

i wanna THROW things at them.

like CAT POO!

They might kill you…

They HATE fags


ill murder ur FACE

“I will slap your face off of your face”

(insert chimpanzee joke here)

so are we orgAnizing something? I mean we don’t need a thread to point out Aaron’s blatent homosexuality.

lol cahrlie

People all around the area are aware, and I would imagine similar things are being put together…

I know Fry mentioned shirts with a quote, there have been many suggestions for signs, whether blank or responsive. Biggest thing is to isolate this group and keep their BS unacknowledged

I’m really glad to see this being organized and would love to participate but I honestly don’t know if I have the self control needed to go there and stay out of jail. And that’s not a joke, or e-thugging or whatever. I seriously question my ability to be that close to such assholes without crossing the line.

To any of you going make sure you’re prepared mentally to stay out of trouble. Groups like this are professional assholes and will be well aware of their legal rights. If you violate any of them I’m sure they’ll be very quick to press charges. They want someone to attack them because it brings publicity to them.

so they are gay or they hate gay

ill piccard myself

on a side note i HAVE been looking for a fight

I would like to put their ability to be processional assholes up against mine…

JayS - i have followed this group for a few years, and have quite the intolerance for them too…

But not stooping to their level and protesting efficiently will overpower the desire to go Rambo. If they cannot deliver their message due to our efforts, then we have won our cause.

we should ban then … ehh NM

If you can get enough people together, I would suggest surrounding their protest with your own, but instead of facing them, facing outward, and either keeping silent or quietly showing support for the families. Sure, there will be shouting from within, but they lose their impact if their hateful signs are blocked by signs of support, and their shouts are screened by a wall of people who are being respectful.

I would imagine that would piss them off.

Im in, when and were?