I wish this bitch would just die

If I could hold a gun to that bitches head I’d pull the trigger


hahah… which one???

both suck balls… the religious freak is a whack-job…

they both were stupid

yeah there both just fucking stupid but to go and protest a soliders funeral is just asking to be shot by someone

I can’t open this link at work… but I’m guessing this is the about the assholes who are protesting at the dead soldiers funerals.

I had posted something awhile back about the awesome guys on motorcycles who block the funeral from the protestors…

wont be long before someone kills her…maybe when one of her sons dies ppl will do the same thing and she’ll wonder why.



OHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! I have to look at this when I get home…

You used the “C” word.

they wre in indiana pa in march … i say next time someone in the military around here dies we drive up and beat the hell out of them… i would go to jail for that

Westboro Baptist Church - (785) 273-0325 - 3701 Sw 12th St, Topeka, KS

that crazy bitch needs a beat down.

id fuck the reporter.


Hot reporter, and she knows the Bible. That’s my kind of girl.

As for the protest lady, what an over-zealous moron. She needs to read more of the Bible than just her select verses, then maybe she’d realize that she is doing exactly what the Pharisees did.

I’m surprised the Fox girl let her ramble on for that long, I would have cut her off way sooner. That or just turned her mic off, and present the counterpoint in peace.

Also, I hope I hear about one of these protests locally, I won’t be as nice as the freedom guys on the bikes, I’ll go take their signs, and tear them up. Then when they attack me I’ll go Bas Rutten on their asses. Now that sounds like a fun time. Who’s coming with me?

see above post

read their press release about it… how rediculous… I’m assuming this is the picketing you all are referring to… even gives a phone number… haha…
