There are some people who are screwed up, and then theres this lady

There are some people who are screwed up, and then theres this lady. I came across this 5 min clip on another site. I really cant believe what some people genuinely think is right and wrong.

This is what the original poster had to say about this lady:

"THIS CUNT NEEDS TO BE WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH! she needs to be tied down, naked on a mound of red ants, have shards of broken glass shoved into her vagina and then have angry soldiers proceed to ram a tree branch in and out of her bleeding twat…over and over again."

CUNT is right! Holy hell, she is worse than that bitch from that reality show (I think it was Trading Spouses)“SHE’S NOT A CHRISTIAN!”

i hope she pisses off the wrong person and she winds up dead because of it

I love how she admits that there are only like 80 people in her church and most of them are family memebers. ROFL

She’s just pissed that only gay people can fix whatever she has done to her ugly mop of hair.

I despise people that make a mockery of the death of a soldier. I despise people that use religion to justify their cause.

nice chin lol

yeah, go god

I feel really sorry for that girl

Where is my fucking Assualt rifle, i need to kill that bitch

she needs to go home in a body bag

oh no no no no no …

you know what that bitch needs … she needs someone with a 100 gallons of mace in a fertilizer truck to just come cruising by and spray her and her 80 followers from head to toe

you have to admit that one a smaller scale, cops are soldiers too, i know that they arent bombed on a regular basis and stuff, but they are definitely on the “front lines” any time they go to work, even if it is on a “civilian” level

if you carry a side arm or an assault rifle to work every day, chances are that you hate w3hen some inbred bitch pickets funerals of those who serve this country and basically says “god wanted you to die”

if you rolled by and sprayed all the church members in mace, whats the chances you would get away with it ? the cops might HAVE to arrest you … but id bet they would be standing in the break room back @ the station saying “dude, it was sooooooooooo fun listening to that cunt scream in agony after that dude maced the fuck out of her …”

im the kind of person that would ask the judge if i can “speak freely” for a moment, and then go on a rant about how its the soldiers who go out and keep this country fee, and they DESERVE a hero’s burial if they happen to die in the line of duty

ive never served in the military, but i’ll salute someone who served. seriously … the real deal… ill physically salute someone who’s in the service
if i was prez, the minimum distance between a funeral and a demonstartion would be 10 fucking miles … freedom of speech can eat my ass with a spoon you stupid mother fuckers

respect for the fallen > freedom of speech … period

wow man… i really hate people who misuse religion to justify what their doing. It really gives everyone who is religious a bad name. though i guess it was a good thing that they mentioned that her church isnt recognized by anyone and almost everyone in it is family… sounds more like a cult when you put it in that perspective…

they hate jews and said the holocost was miniscule? wtf…

i absolutely loath people like that…shes is delusional and psychotic and i cant believe she is using religion to justify herself…they need a taste of reality…shes crazy for smiling through the whole interview…

I rip her heart out and hope she lives long enough to see it stop pumping in my hand…

what a stupid bitch


she needs to go into a mental hospital…with restraints…and a big piece of duct tape over her mouth.

word to all the punishment ideas.

HRK: :tup:

I seen this a few days ago. It made me so fuckin mad. I think that woman along with all others who feel that way should have all tehre religous rights and beleifs taken away. Lock them all into a large room where they receive beatings on a daily basis. Just let them suffer for the rest of there life. It would be to good to just kill them let them live in agony like the families of all those who lost service members.

Kano from mortal kombat…I didnt know you posted on nyspeed…

HRK - Awesome ideas.