This is the most disgusting use of religion ive seen yet .... check out this website

the clubg thread (no login needed)

Somebody looking for a scapegoat.

Seriously though, you have got to be kidding me. I usually can handle messed up shit but this is too far too actually go to funerals and bug the families, that is just really out of line.

Not that i am a firm believer in religion either but seriously, anyone could pick up the bible and quote it to follow their cause. idiots like that should be locked up and thrown on an island in the pacific to fend for themselves

Thank God i’m atheist!!!

(get it??)

What are you going to do?

You can either tell the people they are wrong (well of course they are, but that’s not the point). Pretend that you’re from the south, and you don’t get to see them darn gays very often (or you just don’t know). You only go by what you hear and what you hear is: They want to get married, adopt kids, belong to “boy love” assocations, and prance around in the middle of the street wearing nothing under their chaps.

So we’re still pretending. I mean, for many people this is what a gay is. It’s really terrible. If it were the truth, then it would be scary. Obviously for a select few people being gay is their life mission, and for another select few they like molesting people, but I’d reckon it’s the same proportion of straight men that molest little girls–I digress.

So take these people, the only thing they really have going for them is that they can make enough money (sometimes) to support their marriage, and procreate. When you take away the exclusivity of both it just makes them feel useless.

So it’s only natural for them to find a way to make gays look like they’re ruining this country. Rather than actually coming up with good reasons they found out about the internet and how easy it is to become an expert on just about everything. They feel threatened, this is their outlet.

So how do you normally deal with somebody that is threatened? Do you tell them they are wrong? Do you beat them up? I am not quite sure, but I can tell you that extending a fist when a simple handshake is needed does not help the situation. Unfortunately the gay community is represented by people that love a good drama fest. They’ll never get anywhere. No I don’t care if gay people get married or adopt, but lets be realistic: the offenders are not the “godhatesfags”, it is the gay activists. “godhatesfags” have just taken a horrible approach to the defense.

It’s easy to think “offense-wrong” and “defense-right.”


wait… I don’t get it…

Any fucking idiot would realize this obviously has nothing to do with religion.

And if you are placing your dick purposely in a mans asshole you should be expecting the flames and quit the god damn complaining.

The only solution to the ridicule is time. Gays will NOT be accepted as normal overnight.

Wayyyyyyyy OT but I just farted and it smells like a turd just took a shit on top of a turd mountain.

Im religeous but thats just lame.