There are some people who are screwed up, and then theres this lady

anyone see hostel? yea thats what needs to be done to this bitch

I had 3 bulletins on Myspace about this… one had this:
Thanks to the internet and some resourcefulness here is her address and phone numbers…

Brent and Shirley Roper
3640 SW Churchill Rd
Topeka, KS 66604


nice traci

I was thinking of PSing some holy figures, doing unholy things, and sending them to her. Like… 100 of them…in individual envelopes…and emphasizing the 666 in her zip code.

if she really reads her bible and understands it, she’ll know that 666 (the number of the beast) is the number of man, since man is the beast.

and from the looks of her, she is a real beast. lol

andddd another reason to make me hate religion

somebody kill this fucking bitch… omfg i wish i could jump into my screen and rip her fucking head off

holy fucking shit! are you kidding me?

-no, man i’m pretty fuckin’ far from ok…gonna get a couple a’ hard, pipe hittin niggaz to go to work on the homes here with a pair a’ pliers and a blowtorch. i’m gonna get medieval on his ass…

-Marcellus Wallace

^^^^thats the right idea, that crazy cunt is gonna get whats coming to her in the end.

I can’t wait until the day she and her “parishoners” die and get a true understanding about what pisses God off and what His wrath is really like.

Her tone is reminiscent of the Muslim extremists. God this, God that. Like she has some private line to what God is thinking and feels the need to enlighten us with her special knowledge. Next thing, maybe she or someone else from her church will strap a bomb on. Very wierd and unsettling.

“The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee, Mother Fucker.”

well, I embellished it a little bit. Sounds good when Sammy J says Mother Fucker at the end of everything.

As a US Veteran I say she has the right to voice her opinion in a legal manner, no matter what her view is.

Wether I agree with her opinion, or her method is irrelavant.

These people are from this website…

These people are fucking sick and need to wake up from their insanity. This is the kind of thing that makes Jesus Christ hang and ponder how a good idea turned out so so badly in the eyes of these fools…

I thought the number of the beast was actually 999 (appeared as 666 upside down)

wow. she needs to be punished. don’t know where some people get their morals from.

and she wasnt very pretty to look at either.

damnit im at work. what is she saying?

She looks like Eric Stoltz in Mask…

I think she was kind of hot.

Hot like fire hot.

I just need to put her out with a wet brick now.

Er, wait a minute. I am thinking of a wet cinder block now…

im thinging about using a wet semi truck … doing 3 mils per hour …

cause it would realy suck to be drug along by a semi doing 3 miles per hour …

Thanks to the internet and some resourcefulness here is her address and phone numbers…

Brent and Shirley Roper
3640 SW Churchill Rd
Topeka, KS 66604
Church number = 785-273-7262
Brent and Shirley Roper = 785-273-1080

call away my friends, call away :slight_smile: