WTF is with our NYS Troopers?

You’re so badass, you little daredevil you.



Im sure they <3 haterz


what up Eazy-E?

I think it would be fair to turn this rant into a more specific story lol.
Because today was nothing compared to prior, I’m just tired of how often it happens.

For Officer Bowers and Santaros, 3 days after getting the camaro, I was just having some fun with her, seeing what it would do. Unfortunately, I landed myself in an bad position, taking off from a stop sign past a troopers house who was inside doing whatever he was doing. After going by, I noticed exactly what I had done, but no lights came on so I figured I should just play it safe and leave the area. (meaning no speeding/roasting of the tires)
Not to far out of the neighborhood, I saw the good old lights on top of an SUV in my mirror, and stopped the car. He obviously placed his truck behind my car and stepped out coughing and asked me if I knew why he stopped me.
My exact quote: “Cause I lit them up back there” He replied, “Thats it…”
He continued to ask for the neccesary paper work, which I had, except I was still getting my license out of my wallet, which he took from me, and walked back to the truck.

So after waiting for a while later, he came back with lots of papers, and a pissed off look about him. He had my deposition, my imprudent speed, my unsafe start, and my faulty muffler tickets. So he was holding something in his hand as well, it was my motorcycle permit, in which he was yelling at me about because it was two forms of identity, aparently, that illegal. So now he gives me back my wallet, without my M permit, just my license. And gives me the tickets, as he said that, he uttured, “Now I’m gonna get the witnesses” So whatever that meant, I decided to follow him into the neighborhood to my friends house, and watched as he went door to door, asking stuff, whatever it was he was asking.

So some time later in September, I was getting my sleep on before work and the phone rings and I pick up, and its my friend asking, “What the fuck did you tell that cop?” And I was half asleep saying what cop, he resonded the one who pulled you over in the camaro, I was like what are you talking about? He explained that Bowers and Santaros came by looking for him because he was facing charges of the breaking and entering, grand theft, and vandalism. So I told him to shut the fuck up and leave me alone, and I proceeded to hang up the phone, cause I didn’t believe him. A little over an hour later, guess whos calling again, my friends brother had called my friend from work, saying there were some stateis snooping around the place asking some questions, and my name had been brought up. (If you didn’t figure by now, me and my friends bro worked at the same place) So my friend told me how his brother saw the two cops, and so and so, that I should probably call the police or something and figure this out. Well I hung up figuring this is some kind of stupid joke I don’t have time for.
Well I get to work, and my manager tells me that an officer wants to see me, he doesn’t know when he’ll be back, but if I need to, I could take the night off. So around 2 am, they Santaros and Bowers came in, and escorted me outside, and told me to pretend they aren’t in uniforms, just tell them what happened, so I was really confused what was going on, but he just kept saying, come on bro, man to man, what happened, just tell me everything. So after that didn’t work, he got a little more harsh got right in my face, and told me that “people like you really piss me the fuck off” I was scared to death of getting arrested for something I had no idea what I did, so my legs are shaking, I’ll admit. He says, “You’re really scared for someone with nothing to hide, just tell me why you did it.” Seeing I really didn’t have anything to say, I didn’t tell him anything he didn’t know, except I was sorry I don’t know what hes talking about. He left after our conversation, he never got a warrant, and his chief did not authorize the investigation, for either of them. But nothing was done about it. Thats what has me upset, I’m not a criminal and shouldn’t be treated as one. Maybe if it happened to you, you just might understand, to be completely helpless against someone with power over you trying to ruin your life over something you never did, based on nothing. Then to go to a lawyer and court, spend time and money for nothing to happen to punish real criminals.
Never did I give him an attitude, my own father is a police officer, and always led me to believe, you don’t give an officer a hard time, and be polite, they’ll usually let you go, and I’ve always lived by that rule. I don’t have a criminal record, the only records I have are those tickets he gave me, and accident from last march I had during a snow storm. I never even got in trouble in school, I’m actually a fairly decent human being who likes the automotive scene, and thats the only thing that has gotten me in trouble.

Hopefully I didn’t miss anything, but now you know a little bit more about me. Thank you :thumbup

and when you got pulled over you didnt telll the trooper your father was a police officer why??? lol

Unfortunately that works just as much as those little blue and black stickers, meaning not at all.

It might if I was in Albany, but not here in the Toga area.


haha it goes both ways man…

I’ve got an SUV full of fireworks and gas… on my way to the Troop G barracks now

I know nothing about it lol

not one problem with troopers sheriff or local cops to complain about here… they do good work!

Alright folks, I have to crack down on this English presentation for tommorrow, so I will see you guys tommorrow night I guess. I’ll be rockin the 305 camaro, and be with the guys with the silver datson and the RX-7 again so stop by lol. Peace out :’(

x2, and im willing to bet im on the road more then 95% of the members here

There is usually a reason behind cops treating you like an asshole

i have only had one problem with a colonie cop, none with troopers but a few of the colonie cops know me and are pretty cool

i got in a fender bender and the cop was cool, asked for my lisence and all that and when my lisence came back suspended he hopped out of his truck pissed, all up in my face screaming at me and anytime i would try to say something he would say i dont give a shit about what you have to say, dont get an additude with me

he cuffed me, and way too tight cause i bled all over his cruiser’s seat lol but other than that no problems

the white rx7 from toga?

Red one with the LS1, the three of us were parked together in the McD’s lot. Of course my stock car was of no interest to anyone lol

+1 on that… I got yanked years ago right in front of Lydall (My fathers a manager there) for a tail light… When he pulled me over, and said I had a tail light out, I walked behind the truck to find them both on… He said it was out before and it must have a loose connection, etc… Still gave me a fix it ticket and sent me on my way… I never had it checked, and never had an issue with the tail lights… However, Green Islands police force is a step above rental cops.

And I’m no fan of Schenectady police… But we all know how fucked up they are.