01-30-2008 9PM Discovery Channel

Oh man, wheres josh… He lectures me everyday he sees me on this topic, i think he’s made a beliver out of me, we will see.

lol this will never stop…

the people that don’t believe it’ll take off will have one of 2 things happen to them when it does:

1 - their head explodes.

2 - they’re so dumb to begin with that they credit the flying plane to special effects and movie magic and such…and the show will lose all credibility to them.

this time its true i saw the preview for it last night

i still love how sure of themselves the beleivers are. That is the main reason why i am praying this fucker doesnt take off, just to make everyone look stupid.


When it says the plane is at takeoff AIR speed - it will fly
When it says the plane is at relative ground speed - bullshit wording who knows what the AIR speed is actually doing

Not to be a dick and correct your making her look stupid, but you forgot one.

i dont give a shit how the question is worded, i hope it fails so that everyone here will look stupid

it doesn’t matter if it fails on the show…

you know how many times I have watched that show and they either didn’t test or at least make mention of some of the flaws in their experiments…

I almost started a whole thread on it…

Did anyone see how they are going to do it? Have a dodge pull a tarp under it while it tries and takes off…WTF?

seems like the best way to replicate a treadmill without actually building one.

Anyone know if there will be a meet for this one???

48 people at the first meet and now nothing?

fool me once, shame on me.

fool me twice, shame on you.

You have that backwards.
Anyway it’s tomorrow, Anyone?

Yes, it is. Which is why it applies to his comment. :slight_smile:

warehouse again? lol

sabres game and mythbusters :slight_smile:

i have the new job again tommorrow… so i doubt ill be goin out tonight…

Just did the mini test, looking good so far.

right off the end

I thouht the treadmill was supposed to match the speed of the plane, this myth is BS!!!