01-30-2008 9PM Discovery Channel

Please pay attention! lol It will take off, no doubt.

well somebody had to start the drama lolol

I said it wouldnt take off before but i had a different view of the myth, lafengas lectured me everytime i saw him and corrected my way of thinking :lol:

Shouldn’t the treadmill increase in speed as the plane accelerates (to truly match it’s wheelspeed?)

commence more drama. lol

In the test, the plane has a max speed of 12MPH. The treadmill was moving 12MPH so they do match. Wheelspeed=Treadmill speed.

that is incorrect, the plane speed=conveyor speed. The wheels would have to move twice as fast to keep up.

if the plane moves forward at 12mph, and the treadmill moves reverse at 12, then it would be as if it is going 24 mph. Kind of like driving into the wind.


IF the wheel speed and conveyore speed were the same, that would imply the plane is not moving…Thats why the question cannot be worded that way and they word it as plane speed=conveyor speed.

You have no clue.

i could prove that mathematically by proof of induction, but you wont want to hear that cause it will make you feel stupid…I wont discuss it further, just leave you with the base case for the proof:

base case: wheel speed =0, conveyor speed = 0, plane speed = 0.

I agree, they didn’t do the myth as it was worded in Newman’s original thread.

But you forgot to start the engine. That’s when the plane moves forward. Spin your treadmill at 1000 mph, the wheels will spin in the opposite direction. There is nothing holding it back and the motor will push it along and take off.

This problem requires no math, just common sense.

i never said it wouldnt take off… re-read my posts


the plane did fly

it can fly!!!


What was the point of that tarp lol, i expected them to move in opposite directions so that if i was on the airstrip standing next to the plane it would ‘appear’ stationary, then would it take off? that ‘conveyor’ may as well of not even been there, the plane was moving at normal take off speed.

idk, i give up, my brain hurts, i’m firing up xbox live and annihalating people in COD4.

yep, the way they did it, it was obvous that it would take off.

The conveyor belt matched the planes take off speed, but not the planes ground speed. It was moving forward in the positive x direction with the wheels still on the ground.