01-30-2008 9PM Discovery Channel

I have it set on the DVR right now, anyone know if there is going to be a meet this time?

what is on?

^Are you serious?

vroom + treadmill = takeoff

@%#$&$%^%^##$^#$^$&@#$@HW$HXCJUHJS^GUQ$^W*LUK%TS^$*Q@$~%^ :O!!!

guys be nice its not the view or a soap opera so she wouldn’t know

and she is in Vermont

Well JON should have known! :slight_smile: This might conflict with the “Moment of Truth” though. Ut oh!

It’s a special called “When marriages go wrong”

I’m not married, so no need to watch that then!:gay2:


Vermont? get the fuck out of here? who lives in Vermont? hippies

who enjoy magic hat

Srsly How do you live with that? Does she tell you frequently where she is…

“I’m taking a POOP!!”
“I’m now wiping my ass”
“I’m in vermont!!”
“OMG Here I come, back to the living room”
“Look at the ring, Its from Jared”


  1. Girls don’t poop.

  2. Jareds? Never.

  3. Your an idiot.


Corrections in red.


Why isn’t there another meet for this? I heard last time at The Warehouse was a good time besides the fact that they never aired it.

the plane will explode into a bouquet of flowers

It’s impossible, treadmills can’t fly.