01-30-2008 9PM Discovery Channel


i think its funny that nobody here understands simple math yet they think theyre sweet cause they were “right”

did you even understand what he said?


Yup, planes tires are on the ground and it is moving forward, another FAIL for mythbusters being able to constrain an experiment properly and then passing it along for broadcast.

i give up

thank you :clap:

Can we get a fucking thread merge here?!

that doesnt mean that you are not a retard…

Why must you try and contest? Go back and read the multi-page threads we have already discussed and discussed.

The question says the PLANES SPEED, not the WHEEL SPEED.

Quit trying to try and bend the experiment around your claim. You thought it would take off, it didn’t, and now you must still argue just like the rest of nyspeed predicted some people would.

i’m not arguing, i am analyzing the original question that was stated on this forum as well as discussing explaining to JUICEDSS why the wheel speed != conveyor speed. No competition here, just dont appreciate when two douche bags come in and make stupid comments during a dicsussion proclaiming “STFU AND WATCH THE GIF”, because that gif certainly does not explain everything. Please go elsewhere to bash on people.

The conveyor belt did fail to meet the planes speed. How else would it move in the positive x direction with the wheels still contacting the ground?

More importantly the original question is based on the premis of a TREADMILL not a conveyor belt. Mythbusters failed to scale a determined area to define the treadmill. They aso failed to see they needed to match the planes terminal veloctiy, not it’s take off speed.

(which in reality becomes obvious after watching the experiment)

We all understand, if someone doesn’t, please follow instruction listed above


edit- Instruction listed above, just reposted below lol


the only thing a treadmill or a conveyor belt is creating is rolling resistance. A plane uses a propellor to move air and create forward thrust. The only way the plane would not fly was if it used motorized wheels to get to a velocity at which the wings created enough lift, but then this plane would be a glider, and it would stay in one place and not take off.

Guys, no one is doubting the plane will take off. I just wish they would have followed the myth as it was stated here. That is all I am saying. The conveyor matches the wheel speed, if the wheels spin faster, so does the conveyor, that’s all I wanted to see. It’s impossible to do in a real world setting because you would have to construct a machine to specifically do that. Let’s let it die.

Sigh, this will never die…

You are truly an idiot if you don’t understand the one thing needed to create lift with a conventional aircraft, airspeed.

I personally did not watch the tv show because its all the idiots of the world that have no idea what is required to make an aircraft take off and feel that this show is the end all authoritative source for stupid urban myths and bullshit debates.

now here is a question, if that plane needs to reach 25mph to take off, does that mean if the pilot is facing a 25mph headwind that his plane should become airbourne immediately? (I know the answer…just was thinking about it)