02/18/06 Downtown Sat. night

Yeah I’ll be there…
But wait…IM suppose to look for you guys but i dont even know what you’ look like… :frowning:


Im going to EB greens or dinner then I will probbley head over to Liars later.

LOL…this is true…

lol just look at pics on myspace…then look for me…HAHA


im goin to utopia for a bit cuz im gettin in for free

then maybe bigshotz

You better, Sally-itus is going around, but you’ll be fine.

James’ afterwards.

ill be at le metro because we get st0000pid cheap drinks :tup:

gettin ready…already started drinking…

anybody else goin out?

leaving in a little bit, call me when you get down there aaron

ill be out, dont know where though.

:gay3: :gay:


I am friends with Scotty. (slick back hair) Im also cool with the owner richie, baby richie and steve who works the door. they got a new dude though that works the door alot that i dont know yet. but uh yeah when i party at liars and get a tab going it usually ends with anyone that has been on my tab leaving competely trashed out of their mind :tup:

i was there from 1230-2 and the only person i saw was aaron, i dont know where all you motherfuckers were.

Well… I went to voelkers, then i headed out to Liars and Luna…
I didnt see any of you guys there… You suck,…BUt wait…I was drunk… :slight_smile:
Maybe i did see you guys… hmmmm dont remember…

GoOd times though…

LOL…it was random…cause u text me saying “where are you” then all of a sudden i walk out of the bathroom at liars…and ur right there…LOL :lolsign:

see…Now thats what i should’ve done…
Text you mofos…
But noooooooo…I didnt even think of that… lol…
fuck it…Maybe next time… :beer2:

the best part was going DT with $10…and still getting pretty bad :slight_smile:

yeah i was meeting a bunch of other people there and i knew you were out, right place at the right time i guess, lol.

I was out at liars from about 11 till 12-1230

didn’t see anyone that looked firmiliar though